Part 9: Home

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Both Haku and Neru were woken at 9am by various beeping machines.

"Good morning, Neru," Haku said quietly, yawning.

"Good morning. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, thank you. And you?"

"I was fine."

"That's good. When do you think they're going to bring breakfast?"

"Press the button, so a doctor will come to you. They can get you some food."

"Oh, no, no. I'll wait."

"You sure?"



A short while later, a doctor walked over to the two. He smiled warmly.

"Good morning. I trust you both slept well?"

"Yes, thank you," both Haku and Neru said.

"Alright. Well, we're going to disconnect these wires and we'll let you go, alright, Haku? Your condition has improved greatly and you should be clear to leave."

"Thank you!"

She turned to look at Neru.

"Can I stay at y-"

"Of course! O-of course. You can stay as long as you want."

Haku smiled.

"Thank you, Neru."

"It's- it's fine."

As the doctor removed the different wires that were recording Haku's state, he said,

"There. Could you try to stand by yourself?"

Neru prepared herself to catch Haku if she fell.

Luckily, though, she managed to stand up perfectly fine.

"Ah! Perfect," the doctor started,
"Do you need me to call a taxi?"

"Oh, I can call my brother. Thank you, sir," said Neru.

Haku, still thinking she might trip, held onto Neru's arm as they made their way into reception. Haku sat on a sofa as Neru called Nero.
After the arrangements were made, Neru sat down next to Haku.

"I-I'm so, so incredibly sorry," Haku whispered, looking down at her hands.

"What? What for?"

"For scaring you like that. For doing that to myself."

"W-wh-what did you even attempt?" Neru stuttered, realising just how blind she was to the situation.

"Um, it, it was nothing, really. Just- just one too many, I guess."

"You tried something, didn't you?"

"N-no! Not- not at all."

"Haku. Look at me. Tell me the truth."

The two stared at each other.

"Tell. Me. The. Truth."

"Look, I thought I was losing it all, okay? I thought you were going to leave me, I thought everyone was going to leave me, I thought about how lonely I am, I thought about how talentless I am, and I hate it. I hate it all. I hate everyone, and I hate existing. Okay? Is- is that what you wanted to hear?" Haku said, ending in aggressive sobbing.

"O-oh. My god. Haku, I-"

"I don't want you to start on the 'Oh, don't be sad!! Just cheer up!! I'm your friend!' because it doesn't work like that, alright?! The fantasy you want to live in isn't real. Okay?"

"I know, Haku. I'm not living in a fantasy. I know that life is shit sometimes. But we can get through it, okay? Together."

"I can take care of myself."

"If you say so, but please don't hurt yourself again."

"I- I can't promise anything."

"Haku, seriously, please. Look, I really, really need to tell you something important. I've felt this way for a long time. I really lo-"

"Hey both!" Nero exclaimed, walking in through the doors.

"Oh, Nero. That- that was quick," Neru muttered, a tone of disappointment in her voice.

"It was, I thank you. Where to, ladies?"

"My house."

Haku looked up at Neru.

"Neru, I don't think I want to talk to you for a while. I need to clear my head."

"You- you don't want to talk to me?"

"No. But I would really enjoy your company."

"Alright. We won't talk but we'll have each other, yeah?"

"Yes. Please."

The two stood up, Haku took hold of Neru's arm and they walked towards the car.
The journey was mostly silent, apart from Nero occasionally clearing his throat.

Nero stopped outside Neru's house.

"There you are. Home bound. Have fun."

"Thanks, Nero," Neru said.

The two entered the house, welcomed by Shizuko.

"Hey, Shizu-chan!" Neru smiled, picking up the cat. Haku gently stroked the black tabby's head.

"Hello, Shizuko..."


"Aww. That's adorable~"

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