Part 16: Meeting the baby

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"Come in! Mei-san and Kaito-kun will be here soon!~" Miku cooed, running back into her household.

Haku and Neru followed the voices - directly into the living room. Luka, Rin and Len were already there.

"Rin? Rin, is that my brother?!"

Rin was aggressively making out with someone - someone who looked strangely just like Nero.

"I- I can't get them to stop. They won't stop. I'm sorry," Luka said.

"It's- it's fine, I guess," Neru replied, furrowing her eyebrows.

Haku and Neru sat down. Neru grabbed hold of Haku's hand.

"Do you want a hug?"

Neru nodded.

Haku embraced Neru, and the two hugged for a long while. They let go when they saw two figures enter the room.

They turned around and saw Meiko and Kaito.

"Hello, all," they said.

"Rin! Stop that! Say hello!"

Rin finally pulled away from Nero, her neck covered in lovebites.

"Yeah, yeah, hey."


"For god's sake. Hello."

"Thank yo- Nero! Put your shirt back on!"

"Uhh, nah."

"Nero, you dirty hoe, put that back on. Luka's right."


"Meiko and Kaito are here. Show some respect."

Meiko walked over and sat beside Neru and Haku. She was cradling a baby in her arms.

"Aww, look at the baby! What's its name?" Haku asked.

"Miyuki. You can hold her if you want."


Haku had hold of the baby, which immediately started crying.

"Oh! Oh no! Hey, don't cry! Do you want your mummy?"

"She's fine. She's just a little nervous."

"Oh. Haha, can relate."

"Just... Give her this."

Meiko pulled a blanket out of her bag.

"It's her comfort blanky. She loves it."

"Okay, um..."

Haku put the blanket over the baby.

"There you go. Don't cry."

Neru leaned over.

"Awwww! Look at her! She's adorable!"

"Isn't she just!"

"Mei? Is this your baby?"

"Yeah. Her name is Miyuki."

"Aww. How old?"

"Four months."

"Four months?! That's really young! Congratulations, by the way."

"Thank you."

Miyuki stopped crying, and instead began giggling.

"Aww! That's so cute!" Neru smiled.

"It means she loves you, Haku." Meiko said.

"I am truly the chosen one."

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