Part 22: I just want to sleep...

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Now, we travel back to the Akita household, were we find Neru and Haku in bed cuddling, flirting with one another.

Haku had her arm firmly over Neru, so she couldn't get away. They were extremely close. Neru could feel Haku's breath against her face.

"You know how much I love you, right?"

"Of course. Neru, you're my sweet baby. I love you more than you know."

"Do you remember that time you got drunk and tried to make me play with you?"

"Play? In- in which context?"

"So, you were super pissed. You couldn't even stand up. You stumbled across to me and like... flopped down onto me. I was like, 'Haku wtf', but you kept telling me I had pretty eyes and a nice face. You then picked up my hands and put them on your boobs. I- I couldn't move."

"Oh my God. I'm not surprised, but I'm also very sorry."

"Don't apologize. It was really quite funny. Probably not at the time, but you get the idea."

"That's- that's harassment, Neru. Drunk or sober, I shouldn't have done it."

"Haku. It's okay. I really don't care."

"Yeah, but, but-"

"HAKU. Stop. It's okay, seriously. Stop your worrying. Give me a cuddle."

Haku pulled herself as close as she could possibly get. She kissed Neru's forehead, and smiled.

"Thanks, honey. See, we're okay. It's okay."

"I- I guess you're right."

Neru kissed Haku's chin.

"Ah! That tickles! Don't!"

"Don't? Or, 'please carry on'?"

"Um.. keep going."

Neru kissed Haku again.

"Right. No more kisses now."

"Awww. Okay, Neru. But you're no fun."

"You too."

Neru turned over and picked up Haku's arm. She put it around her waist.

"I'm sleepy," Haku whined.

"I bet you are. It's 9:30am."

"I'm going back to sleep. Do you want to get up?"

"Nah. I'll stay."

"Alright. I love you, baby."

Neru smiled.

"I love you too."

Haku quickly fell asleep, leaving Neru, who was still trapped under Haku's arm. She tried shuffling away, but she was pulled closer. She eventually gave up, shutting her eyes and trying to sleep.

But, she was interrupted.

Haku had began to snore.

"Oh my God, shut up," Neru whispered.

This, apparently, worked. The snoring stopped. A second after, Haku jerked awake.

"Jesus Christ, that frightened me. Are you okay?"

"I- I felt like I was falling."

"That means your heart rate fell so fast and suddenly, your brain was making sure you were still alive."

"Oh. Oh lord."

"It's okay, though. You're alive. It's okay."

"Y-yeah. I-I'm okay. I-I-It's fine."

"Jeez, stop stuttering so much."

"S-sorry. I'm- It just made me n-nervous."

"Right. But you're fine, right?"


Haku sat up, and pulled Neru into her. Neru laid her head on Haku's shoulder and yawned. Haku, too, yawned, then whispering,

"I love you."

Neru smiled, and kissed Haku's cheek.

"I love you too, honey."

Haku let go of Neru, and got up.

"I'm going to take a shower. See you in a few."

"Alright. Don't drown."

Haku raised her eyebrows, and smiled.

"I won't."

Neru pulled the bedsheets over her, and curled up. She reached over the bed for the stuffed animal she always had. It was a dog, clearly well-loved. She hated sleeping without hugging something.

She pulled the plushie into her chest, and closed her eyes.

She was just drifting off, when her phone started ringing. It was Nero.



"You never call me that. What's wrong?"

"I'm- I'm not ready to be a father."

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