Part 30: Brain freeze

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"She's completely out of it. We better call an ambulance," Luka confirmed, looking at Haku's unconcious body.

"Yeah, alright. Thanks again for coming over."

"Anytime, Neru-chan."

"Could you stay until they get here?"

"Of course."

Neru called an ambulance, and waited for them to arrive.

"Is she gonna be okay?"

"I think so."

Luka pulled Neru into a hug, and gently rubbed the back of her head.

"Thank you," Neru mumbled.

"Of course, don't mention it."

Luka loosened her grip, and looked back at Haku.

"Hang in there. You're not dying on us yet."

"We'll take her into hospital," the paramedic said, "Are you coming?"

"Yes. If that's alright, Luka-san?"

"Of course."

"Alright. That's fine. We'll take her on a stretcher."


More medics came in, and moved Haku onto a stretcher, carrying her onto the ambulance.

"So, ma'am, could you explaim what happened?"

"She woke up from a nightmare, and then she said she felt faint. I went to get her some water, and when I came back, she had passed out."

"Alright. Thank you."

Neru sat down, and held Haku's hands.

"Oh my God, darling, you're giving me dejá vu. Don't do this to me again."

She felt Haku's hand twitch slightly. She saw her face scrunch up, before relaxing again. She was still unconscious, but she seemed like she had feeling in herself.

"Haku? Are you awake?"

No response.

"I wish you were. I could be giving you all the cuddles and all the kisses. I could be giving you all the loves. And I know it's not your fault, babe, but I wish you were awake."

She paused, and rubbed Haku's hand with her thumb.

"Don't give up yet," Neru spoke, "We have so much more to see and do. You're not dying. Not yet."

Neru could see Haku breathing. Slowly, but breathing none the less.

"At least you're alive. Last time this happened, your heart stopped. Do you remember?"

She paused.

"Why am I asking? You can't answer, and you probably don't remember anyway."

Neru picked up her phone, which was in her pocket, and checked the time and date.

August 8th, 2019

"It's nearly 4am. And you better be awake tomorrow, Miss. It's your day."

The ambulance doors opened.

"We've arrived. Follow us," the medic said. Two more medics took Haku out. They went to a ward, where they put Haku on a bed and wired her up, to keep a track on her stability.

A doctor walked in, holding a clipboard.

"Okay. Name?"

Neru looked up.

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