Part 6: Company

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No sleep.

No sleep.

No sleep.

Neru's phone rung. It was Nero.
"Whaddyou want?" She snapped.
"I can't sleep."
"Tell me about it."
"I can't sleep because I'm worried about you, dumbass."
"Why're you worried about me?"
"You're losing Haku. I know she was absolutely EVERYTHING to you. As your brother, it's my duty to make sure you're okay."
"I'm fine."
"Open your door."
"I'm coming over."
Not being in the mood to argue, Neru sighed.
"Okay. Don't be long."
"I won't. I love you."
Nero hung up.

Neru laid staring at the ceiling until her brother arrived. It startled her when the doorbell rung.
Answering the door, she said,
"It's 4am, you didn't have to come here."
"So? I wanted to. I want to make sure you're okay."
"Get in, it's cold."
As Nero got in, he took off his shoes, and placed them by the stairs.
"Why'd you always do that? There's a shoe rack, you know." Neru asked. Nero made an 'I don't know' noise.
"Come upstairs. Or do you want a drink first?"
"I'm good. How ya feeling?"
"I don't know. It's hard, you know, but I'm fine."
"Let's get to bed. I'm shattered and plus my brain isn't active enough to give you any good advice."
"Alright, where're you sleeping?"
"With you."
"I-" Neru sighed,

"Hey. Hey. Hey. Wake up." Nero said, poking Neru's back.
Neru groaned, rolling over, hitting her head on her brother's elbow.
"Ugh. What's the time?"
"12 noon."
"Can you make some breakfast pleeease?"
"Hmph. Fine."
Nero got out of bed and left the room. Neru grabbed her phone and saw 72 notifications.
60 were texts, the other 12 missed calls. They were from Luka, Len and Rin.
Neru decided to call Luka back first.

"Neru? Hello?"
"Hey. What's up?"
"Oh, thank god you answered. Guess what?"
"Uh oh. What?"
"The doctors think Haku is going to wake up in a couple of days. They said they don't know why she's in her condition as of yet but they think it was an attempt in over-drinking suicide."
"A- A couple of days?"
"Yes. They said it might take her a while to remember things but she'll come to."
"Okay. Why have I got 12 missed calls and 60 texts?"
"I'm sorry. I tried to call you twice so Rin and Len decide to bug you with texts and calls."
"Oh. Okay. Well, thanks for telling me."
"It's okay. Have a good da-"
"Sorry that I got mad at you yesterday."
"Oh, pfft. Don't worry about it."
"I'll, um, I'll see you soon."
"Alright. Bye-bye, Neru-chan!"

Neru stared at the ceiling. Days without her best friend. Days without her world. Days without her having someone to lean on.

The smoke alarm went off. Neru hopped out of bed and went down the stairs.
"What've you done now?" She groaned.
"I burnt some toast. Oops."
"My GOD. Give it here. I'll make breakfast, you feed the cat."
"On it!"
After throwing out the old burnt toast, Neru put in four new fresh slices. She heard Shizuko hiss, followed by,
"Hey! Don't hiss at me! Coward!"
Neru rolled her eyes.
Nero walked up to Neru, holding his hand.
"Your rabid animal bit me."
"She's not rabid, she just doesn't like you."
"Can I have a plaster?"
"They're in the drawer."
"Thanks," Nero said, before adding,
"Give me marmite please."
"Ew, like I have any of that Satan spawn in my house."
"Are you stupid?! It is the best!"
"You have no taste."
Putting a plaster over the slight mark on his hand, Nero whispered,
"I heard that. I'll eat your food too at this rate."
"Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!"
Neru handed over two slices of (marmiteless) toast as she started eating hers.
"You not coming into the living room?," Nero asked, walking into said room. Neru followed.
They sat at a table in silence, eating the toast.
"So, you wanna go visit Haku today or..?" Nero asked.
"Um... maybe tonight. In the evening."
"Okay. I'll come pick you up afterwards."
"N-no. I'm staying the night at the hospital. I don't want to leave her."
"You're not gonna get a good sleep. You're gonna be even more grumpy than you usually are."
Neru rolled her eyes, scoffing,
"I'll be fine."
"If you say so..," Nero said, putting his focus back onto the toast.
"Hey! You're meant to start the whole, 'Oh, but you're not REALLY, let me help,' thing."
"I- What? You would have literally stabbed me if I even started to say that."
Neru didn't reply.
"You feel powerless, don't you?"
"You feel like you're not in control."
"Of what?"
"Your own life. I know what was holding you up and you've not got it. That's why you said that."
"Holding me up?! Are you saying I can't take care of myself?!"
"That's not what I meant, and you know it."
Pushing her food aside and standing up, Neru said,
"Leave my house. I don't want you here."

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