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THIS IS A REPUBLISH BECAUSE IM LAUGHING @ IT WITH A FRIEND.. THIS IS OLD AND SHIT LOL. my new account is @CyberDiver where i am posting a much better hakuneru fic called 'love is stored in the cat stickers' please check that out instead!!!! they are so painfully OOC in this and the writing is more than dreadful i am on my hands and knees begging please read my new fic instead PLEASE. i put effort into it. thank u

Hi! Welcome to AAW. Before we begin, I would like to set a trigger warning. This fic mentions:

Suicide attempts
Suicidal thoughts
Depressive thoughts
Body dysmorphia
Minor death

There is also infrequent bad language.

Part 27-29 and 39 should be the only POV parts. If that changes, I'll put it here.

This fic contains major shipping. These include:
Neru x Haku
Rin x Nero
Meiko x Kaito
Meiko x Luka

This fic is largely based around both Neru's and Haku's lives.

I apologise in advance for any spelling errors/grammatical mistakes.

I hope you will enjoy reading AAW. Have fun!~

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