Part 23: Meeting

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Now, for the entirety of Part 23-24 we're in the Megurine household. Luka has called over Neru, Haku, and Nero. They're discussing Rin's pregnancy.

Rin sat down beside Nero, resting her head on his shoulder. Neru sat on the other side of Nero, and Haku sat on the floor.

"So, Rin. How did this happen?" Neru asked, glaring at her.

"I- I don't know."

"It doesn't just magically happen. When did you-"

"OKAY! Okay. I- I think it was when Meiko and Kaito came over. I really can't remember."

"Nero? Are you insane?!" Neru shouted, standing up, continuing, "You've put us in this situation! You're a manipulative rat and you better pay for every single expense this baby needs. And don't make us babysit all the time."

Luka crossed her arms, looking at Nero.

"For once, Neru's right. Apart from the manipulative rat part, because we don't know if you forced her into doing anything."

"Thank you. So, Nero, explain what actually happened."

"I- It- Well, I- It-"

"Spit it out!"

"I- I need to be honest, right?"

"No, never. Just tell us about how the magic rainbow unicorns came down from the clouds and gave Rin a baby. Yes, tell the truth, idiot."

"Fine. Rin w- Rin was under the influence."

"EXCUSE ME? AND YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS?!" Luka yelled. Neru flinched.

"We- we both were."

"How did you even get any alcohol?!"

"The kitchen. It was on the counter, open."

"Oh my God."

"I guess it's Rin's decision. What do you want to do?" Neru asked.

"Nero, I- I love you and all, but, I think I would rather have an abortion."

"You want that?"

"Yes. I'm sorry."

"Don't apologize. It's your body. And it'll make you happy."

Neru sat back down.

"Right. So, I guess Luka will get you an appointment with someone."

"Um, how does it work?" Rin asked, holding Nero's hand.

"So, I think, because you've not been pregnant for all that long, they'll give you a pill. It's like a period but like, really heavy. I think, anyway," Neru said.

"Period 2: Electric Boogaloo," Haku whispered.

"What did you just say?" Neru asked, trying her best not to laugh.


"Okay, Rin. Come with me, and we'll book you an appointment," Luka said.

Rin got off of the sofa and followed Luka.

Neru pushed Nero off the sofa.

"Hey! No fair!"

"Boo hoo. You nearly fucked Rin's life over, so I'm gonna do my best to do yours over too."

"Why? Rin doesn't even like you."

"I don't really care. Who's idea was it to drink?"

"M... Mine."

"That's what I thought."

"Hey, Nero, did you see if there was a percentage or a number or anything like that on the bottle?" Haku asked.

"Yeah. It said like, 7.8 or something."

"Have you ever drunk it before? Or any other alcoholic drinks?"

"Uhh, no. I'm clean."

"Jesus Christ. Okay. Did you not feel like it tasted really strong?"

"Uhhh, yes."

"Why did you keep drinking it then?"

"Uhh, umm..."

"Was it to make Rin do it with you?"

"A... A little. But I felt bad so I drunk some too, and that's why I continued so that Rin would have some too."

"Oh my God. Oh my God. I'm- I have to tell Luka. I'll be back in a second." Haku stood up and left.

"Nero. I'm- Ugh. I'm disgusted. I really am. I am ashamed to have you as a brother. I am really, really disappointed."


"Don't 'Onee-Chan' me! I don't even want to talk you you. I don't think I can, knowing what you've done."

Despite saying this, Neru continued to express her disgust to her brother.

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