Part 32: I don't like you.

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About an hour had passed, and Haku was back in the ward, trying to sleep. The beeping machines were keeping her awake.



"I'm sorry..."

"What for?"

"It's... It's so early. You shouldn't be out here with me."

"What else am I going to do? Leave you and think you're suffering?"

"No, it's just... I feel like I don't deserve to have anyone worry about me."

"YES YOU DO! You deserve so much love, you deserve all the friends, you deserve the world. I love you."

"Neru, I don't-"

"Shut up, Haku. I don't care what you don't think you should get. You are literally the best person to exist."

"No, Neru, listen, I-"

"Seriously, I don't see why you have that mindset. You're so-"

"NERU! Listen to me, please!"

Neru looked at Haku, who looked quite shocked at herself. She cleared her throat.

"Just- just go home. Go to sleep."


"Just leave. I don't want the doctors to tell you what they told me. I'll tell you in my own time."

"What? What d'ya mean?"

"Just leave. It's not worth staying with me."

"Haku, I-"

"Neru. You heard me."

"Are- are you being discharged tomorrow?"

"Yes. I am."

"I- I'll send Nero to get you, I guess. If he'll even talk to me."



Haku looked away, folding her arms. Neru looked at the remote that controlled the bed. She picked it up, silently, and began pressing the buttons.

"Put that down, you little shit," Haku mumbled.

Neru scowled and put it back on the table. She stood up.

"I'm going home. Bye," she said, trying her best to not feel guilty.

She walked alone, in the quiet streets, lit by the now-rising sun. It was quite the walk from the hospital to Neru's house.

She stopped by the newspaper shop before turning the corner to her house.

"Ah! Akita-chan!" The newsagent beamed.

"Hello, Mrs. Whethers."

"You seem upset. What's the problem, honey?"

"Oh, it's nothing, really."

"Is it some boy problems?"

Neru couldn't help but smile a little.

"No, no. Not boys."

"Right, I see."

"Could you give me one of those caramel chocolate bars?"

"Of course! That's just £1."

Neru reached into her pocket.

"Ah, crap. Forgot my money. It's alright, just put it back."

"A pound won't hurt anyone. You look upset. Have this on me."

Neru shook her head.

"It's fine, honestly. I really don't need it."

"No, no, take it! We all need a little comfort food now and again."

"If you insist."

Neru took the bar, greedily unwrapping it and taking a bite.

"Thank you, Mrs. Whethers."

"Of course, my dear. As you youth say, you're my G, fam," the older woman smiled.

Neru chuckled.

"Heh, thank you. I should get going home."

"You do seem sleepy. Take a nap."

"Oh, I'll certainly try."

Neru walked to the shop door, waved, and left. She turned the corner, and soon enough had returned to her house. She didn't realize the stench that had been floating around for quite some time, until it hit her as she got in her door. She had to cover her nose and mouth, avoiding vomiting, and went to the source of the stench.

The smell lead her to a place she never wanted to go back into.

The spare room.

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