Chapter 20

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It was 7 at night and I hadn't left my room for anything except snacks and water. Jisoo did call to check up on me, wanting to hear my voice at least. She was probably still at the office and my house was so quiet. There wasn't even the sound of the TV since I kept it off since morning.

I wasn't locking myself. It was only because I already started to plan for a new book. I had been sitting at my desk for hours now ever since I woke up, accompanied by a bottle of water and fibre biscuits beside my typewriter.

For other authors, it might be too early to even consider looking for ideas for the next book. It only had been 2 years since my first book was published. Even the marketing and promotion process were still on going. Usually authors would still spend and enjoy the royalty money until it ran out because eventually, people would stop buying in time; when the book had turned old.

But I started early because I would take most of the time. Scribbling raw ideas would probably take 3 months and the rest would be developed after that. But when everything was finalised, writing a manuscript was really time consuming.

My first book took 3 years to be completed. So I assumed the same timeframe would be applied to my next one. I thought it would be better if I started planning now and got it published before the distribution of It's Not All Roses stopped.

But I was having one problem that I didn't know how to solve. I had heard it before since the term was very popular and common among authors. It was what they called writer's block.

I couldn't believe that I finally had writer's block at that time. I had been wasting time and even raw ideas didn't develop yet. No matter what I did; stopped for a while, took a nap and bathed, nothing worked as for now. My head was completely empty, yet it was so packed with something else if that made sense.

Have you heard about me?

Yes. That was the thing that cramped my brain. I kept thinking about that someone since I opened up to Jisoo and Jeongkook about a month ago. I was just fine before, living my life as an author just like what I dreamed of ever since I was a teenager. That happiness of mine got disturbed when I talked about that someone again after years of being alone.

You probably haven't.

My book was only a bestseller in Australia. It wasn't sold worldwide, yet. The only way it could be bought internationally was through online ordering from the company's official website. But as for now, based on the sales statistic, there was no online ordering from overseas.

I had been waiting for 2 years and wondering if anyone in Korea had heard about Roseanne Pearce, Australia's Best Selling Author. I guessed nobody cared anyway except for Australians.

But I was told that the only way to go international was through a market invasion. 2 years ago I was already impressed with the word 'entire continent'. I used to be overwhelmed by it because my book would be distributed to the entire Australia. But since I got this new, weird feeling, even the entire continent wasn't enough anymore. I needed to enter Korean market, I guessed. Holding a record for over 50 thousand copies sold were no longer an impressive numbers. I needed it to be over 100 thousand.

Was it greed? I wasn't sure. Other authors would be dying to be at my spot right now for everything I already had in a short period of time. My achievements were eloquent. But all I needed was a recognition that wasn't only in Australia but worldwide, in Korea especially.

I heard a ding, signaling that somebody was at my doorstep. I sighed as I got up, finally leaving my room for good.

"Who's there?" I asked once I reached the door, waiting to unlock it.

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