Chapter 21:I love Luhan.

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Luhan's P.O.V

I felt really upset when I told Sehun to leave,but I had to do it.However,I don't like seeing him sad.Ah.What should I do?I hope that he will change his mind for our good.

I lied on my bed and I started thinking about Sehun.Though,I was really surprised,because fter a little,he came in my room.

"I decided." ,He coldly stated.

"Sehun...I...I am really sorry for earlier I..."

"No need to be sorry Luhan.I love you and I am ready to admit it to everyone."

"Awwww~I love you too Oh Sehun."

I went near him and I tightly hugged him.

When I broke the hug,I kissed him passionately on the lips and he kissed me back.

"We should to tell it to them now,because they are all gathered in the living room." ,He suggested.

"Oh you are right.Let's go."

We went downstairs and we both standed in front of the TV while we were holding hands.Everyone stared at us and they were probably annoyed.

"I can't watch TV now." ,Tao complained.

"I am sorry about that,but we need to tell you something important." ,I told him.

"Make it fast then." ,Kris said.

"Why are you holding hands?!" ,Chen suddenly asked us.

"This is what for we need to talk to you." ,I answered him.

"We are listening..." ,Suho told me.

"Kai and Xiumin already know about this." ,Sehun told them.

"About what?" ,D.O asked.

"Me and Baekhyun know your secret too." ,Chanyeol said.

"What do you mean?" ,I curiously asked.

"Are you going to talk about your secret relationship?" ,Chanyeol asked me and I was speechless.

"Shut up Chanyeol!We weren't supposed to tell them that we already knew!" ,Baekhyun scolded Chanyeol.

"About their relationship?" ,Chen asked.

"I am confused." ,Kris sighed.

"How did Baekhyun and Chanyeol know about this?" ,I asked Sehun.

"Calm down everyone.We have to let Sehun and Luhan explain." ,Suho told us and everyone stopped talking.

"Okay,I will explain.Obviously,we wanted to tell you about our relationship.I am in a relationship with Luhan for almost one year and we are really in love.I hope that you will accept our relationship.I thought that only Xiumin and Kai knew about it,because Xiumin had seen us after we made love and I had told it to Kai,but obviously,Chanyeol and Baekhyun knew about it too.I don't know how." ,Sehun said.

"Did you make love?" ,D.O asked.

"What if they did?" ,Kai asked D.O.

"Oh...Nothing." ,D.O answered him and stared at the wall.

"I accept your relationship.By the way,me and Lay want to tell you something as well.We are a couple." ,Suho happily told us and Lay shyly smiled.

"I wasn't expecting that." ,Chen said.

"Until now,everything it's okay but I am curious to learn how did Baekhyun and Chanyeol know about your relationship." ,Kris told us.

"Well,I wonder about it too." ,I said.

"I will explain.I ACCIDENTALY eavesdropped Sehun while he was talking on the phone with someone and they were talking about 'love things' and then I searched his calls on the phone to see who called him and I saw that it was Luhan.After some days,I told it to Chanyeol."

"You searched my phone?Whatever." ,Sehun angrily said.

"Okay...Now that we all know about Hunhan and Sulay relationships,let's continue doing what we were doing before,but I have to go to prepare the meat for the barbeque.Kai,can you please come and help me?" ,Kyungsoo said.


Then D.O and Kai went in the kitchen.

Kai's P.O.V

My crush told me to go and help him with cooking.Why me?He could ask Chanyeol who is also good at cooking.Does he want to tell me something?What is it?

"Why you did you ask me to help you with cooking?Chanyeol is better than me in cooking."

"I know,but I need to tell you about something and I trust you more than anyone else in here."

What does he want to tell me?

"Sure tell me."

"I don't like Sulay or Hunhan."

"What?Why?Do you ship Xiuhan and Selay?" ,I told him and laughed.

"It's not funny Kai.I just don't believe thay being gay is normal.And there is a really long story that I have to tell you about that."

"You can tell me anything."

Then he told me about his story.I felt really bad for him and I wanted to help him.

Now,I think I don't have a chance to be with him for that reason.I am glad that he told me about his secret,but I feel so sad.

I need to help him to overcome his homophobic perception.Because I love him and I want to be with him no matter what.


A/N:Don't forget to check out my new Exo fanfiction My invisible friend.


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