Chapter 23:Deal!

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A/N:Happy Birthday to our unicorn ♡7/10♡

I am sorry that I haven't updated.I was busy with school:/


Tao's P.O.V

We were all in the living room,watching TV except from Jongin,Kyungsoo,Xiumin and Chen.I really want to know why Xiumin grabbed Chen's hand and they went upstairs.

After a while,Chen came downstairs with a sad expression but no one seemed to notice it because they were focused watching TV.He sat next to me and that was my chance to ask him.

"Are you sad?" ,I whispered to him.

"!" ,He whispered back to me.I think that I interrupted him from thinking about something.

"Where is Xiumin hyung?" ,I asked him.

"Ehh...Upstairs why?"

"Okay,I am going upstairs."


"Shhh!They are going to hear us.Also,my answer to your question is...because I want to go." ,I smirked and I was ready to go upstairs,but Kyungsoo came in the living room in order to tell us something.

"We are going outside to prepare and start the barbeque."

"Start it without me and Xiumin.I am going upstairs.We will come later." , I told him.

"Whatever." ,Kyungsoo told me.That was cold.

I went upstairs and I knocked twice the door of Xiumin's and Chen's bedroom.I didn't receive an answer so I opened the door.

Luckily,he wasn't naked but he was crying.Xiumin is not the type of guy that cries easily,so it felt weird to see him in that state.

"Mm...Xiumin?Are you okay?"

"Oh Tao!When did you come?"

"I knocked the door,back you didn't answer so I opened it...Forget it.What happened?

"Nothing important."

"Since when is love nothing important?"

"How did you-"

"You like Chen,don't you?" ,I asked him and he admitted it.

"It's obvious,isn't it?"

"Yeah...Do you want to tell me what happened?"

"I will tell you.I brought him here to tell him that I love him and then I suddenly kissed him.As a result he overreacted.He said that he doesn't love me and then he left.After a little he came back,he apologised and he said that he wants us to remain good friends ,but I didn't accept his apology and I told him that he is completely over for me.A tear escaped his eye and then he left.That's all."

"That's bad..."


"It was bad that he overreacted.He could have been more gentle with you.He made you cry and you did the right thing Xiumin.However,I am not that convinced that he doesn't love you.I think that we should test his true feelings for you because it's strange that a tear escaped his eye and also he was really sad when he came downstairs.And we both know that Chen is like you.He rarely cries or gets that emotional for something not important to him."

"I don't know,maybe you are right...but what do you mean by saying that we should test his true feelings?"

"It's actually going to help both of us.We should kiss in front of Chen and Kris in order to make them jealous."

"To kiss?Really?Do you really want to kiss my precious lips?That would make me cry even more."

"Xiumin,you are not funny.You know that,right?"

"It's kind of weird to hear that from you.OH!WAIT!Why do you want to make Kris jealous?"

"Are you stupid or what?Do you want me to tell you that I love him and that I want to kiss him every time?"

"Oh,you are in love with Kris!"

"Yeah,yeah,now deal?"

"Well,we can have a fake kiss,because I really don't want to kiss you."

"You feel me."

"We will pretend to kiss then."

Sorry for this short and lame update.


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