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"This time, I'll make the design," Marinette finally decided. Adrien rolled his eyes and muttered an "I don't care", under his breath.

It was finally the day Adrien and Marinette decided to work on their design. So far it wasn't going too well, at least not as well as Marinette had thought it would go.

Adrien was being full stubborn and it annoyed Marinette. She tried hard to stay patient with him, hoping that he would change, but his attitude was just the same.

"I guess I'm taking the measurements," Adrien muttered again. And that was another thing. He wasn't talking loud enough for Marinette to hear him. Marinette found that disturbing, because she countlessly had to ask him to repeat his words.

"Yeah. At the party, you're going to wear the shirt, and I'm going to wear the pants," Marinette nodded.

"Pfft," Adrien said as he took the measurement. "That is if we're even going to make it to the party."

"Well, with you acting like this, we definitely aren't!" Marinette shot back. "I'm tired of you acting like this!"

"And why shouldn't I be acting like this? Why shouldn't I be mad at you?!" Adrien turned away. "You're the one who tried to replace me."

"And you didn't?" Marinette glared, even though she was glaring at his back.

"That was after you tried to replace me. I was angry and I wanted to do the same thing to get away from you," Adrien yelled. "This was definitely a mistake."

Marinette didn't say anything after that. She just sat down in her bed, wasn't sure what to think anymore. Adrien replaced his angry face with a frown. "I just want to get this done, and then we'll go our separate ways. We won't get partnered together ever again. We'll just do our own thing," He muttered, and Marinette heard.

"Fine," She agreed. A part of her felt disappointment, even though she wasn't really sure why, but she didn't care. This was the last time she would even have anything to do with Adrien again.

She turned to her sketchbook and started going through the designs she had made already. She could hear Adrien muttering something to himself, but she could care less and decided to ignore him. Somehow she had a feeling that this was going to be her last time here.

"So, have you decided on what designs we're going to make?" Adrien looked up at her. When she didn't answer, he looked over her shoulder, and stared at the designs she was going through. "Well, have you?!"

"Hey, maybe if you shut your mouth for one minute, I'll decide!" Marinette snapped, turning back at him. "When you were making your design, did I bug you?!"

"No, you didn't," Adrien folded his arms, "but you definitely made another design because you thought mine would suck. Thanks for having faith in your partner, Marinette." He huffed and turned away. "Whatever, I don't care."

Marinette turned back to her work. Now she wasn't angry anymore. She was feeling guilty as soon as Adrien mentioned what she did, but wouldn't Adrien had done the same thing?

As if reading her mind, Adrien spoke, "would you have loved it if I had made another shirt? Would you have loved it if I went behind your back, trying to find another partner? No, I bet you wouldn't, and that's exactly why I hate you, Marinette. You don't think. You just do!"

"Uh, excuse me," Marinette turned around to face him, folding her arms, the same annoying look appearing on her face again. "You're the one that doesn't think, okay? I absolutely think before I do, and you know it! Maybe if I wasn't partnered up with you the last time, I would have had a better design and a better partner!"

Adrien wanted to say something, but he quickly shut his mouth and turned away. Marinette sighed and looked away as well. "Look I'm sorry, okay?"

"You're not forgiven. I don't accept your apology!" He muttered.

"Hey, I heard that," Marinette huffed. "But whatever. I'm apologizing because I know I was wrong too. I shouldn't have done what I did, so I'm sorry. But maybe... Maybe if you acted like a better partner, I would never had wanted to replace you. That's it. That's what I wanted to say."

"Alright fine. I accept your apology," Adrien rolled his eyes. "Don't expect me to apologize to you back, because I'm not!"

"No, I didn't expect you to apologize, and you know what? Maybe this is why I thought Nathaniel would make a better partner than you!" She slammed her book shut and left the room. "I'm so done with you!"

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