Chapter Eighteen: Besides The Dying Fire

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┏━━━━━━ Kayla's pov ━━━━━━┓

Today was the night when I finally understood why people feared the silence. After we knew Shane was dead we started to walk off in silence. I couldn't get the idea of Shane's cold body laying in the grass slowly decaying over already. He was a psychopath, but now he was a psychopath from my past. No one really had any words to say. I was confused why Shane was dead and the gunshot that had rung out. I shook my head and looked around again seeing no one.

" Dad, where's Daryl and Glenn ?" I asked breaking the silence.

He glanced over to me and the minute our eyes met, we both tensed." I...I don't know."

" You bit too ?" Carl asked.

I looked up to Dad a bit hesitant. I was nervous I was going to see a large bit mark bleeding out in the moonlight.

" No."

" Shane was." I said making Dad shake his head

" That wasn't Shane. You know that."

" Used to be." I answered back." Dad, what  the hell happened ? You guys attacked ? I mean...we heard a gunshot, but I didn't see any walkers nearby."

" How did Shane die ?" Carl asked.

Dad stopped walking and turned to us about to say something, but the sound of snarls beat him to it. I heard it also and frowned looking up confused seeing a horde coming after them.

" Oh god. Go. Go !" Rick whisper putting his arms behind both us back.

I quickly grabbed Carl's hand running to see some walkers from the left were a head of us towards the house. We stopped behind a tree looking to see there was no way to get to the house now. I peeked over seeing too many walkers a head that could easily take us down.

" We...we gotta get to the house. Tell the others." Carl begged looking over to Dad.

" We'll never get through and can't go around. Kayla, Carl stay close. Go !" He said and took of in a run.

The walkers smelled the new meat and turned reaching out for them, but we were fast enough. I was the first to get to the barn and held the doors open. Dad was the last one and slammed the doors shut hearing  the walkers banged on it and start to rip the pile wood. The walkers kept banging on the door more and more knowing we were inside.

" Dad, they're coming inside." I warned taking the gun out of my waistband just in case." Carl, get behind me."

Dad looked up from where he was seeing the wood break more." Oh shit. All right. Okay." He said quickly dumping gasoline on the doors, floor, and hay. " Alright get up there now, both."

I turned allowing Carl up the latter, but turned confused." Wait, what about you ?"

" I'll be right there." He said before handing me a lighter." Drop the lighter when I say."

" What ? Dad-"

" It will stop some off them from reaching the house and distract the others, so at least you can have a chance."

" Dad no." I said understanding the possibility for my father. The walkers could be fast and take him down easily.

" Hey, if I don't make it run to Lori or Daryl. Kayla, Carl." He said holding my cheek and looking up to Carl." I love you both."

He quickly ran over to the doors while I climbed the latter standing next to Carl and placing him behind me. Dad swung the doors open allowing the hungry walkers to stumble towards him.

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