Chapter 62

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"Get them bags packed up quick, Miss Grimshaw," Grace heard Micah order the woman as Arthur and Grace both arrived back at Beaver Hollow. "Come on, all of you," he waved his hands in the air.

"Well, we're doing our best!" Susan argued. Susan looked up from one of the sacks she was packing towards Grace and Arthur. She froze, knowing that it was time. She kept quiet, continuing to pack.

"Hurry, we ain't got long. Hurry," Micah demanded as he continued to walk across the camp. 

"We just got plenty of time, Micah," Arthur announced their arrival. Micah spun around, seeing the two of them. "We all need to have a little chat."

"Great, you're back. Hooray," Micah cheered sarcastically at the sight of the two of them. Grace and Arthur walked into camp the rest of the way, leaving their horses. 

"Dutch, you will want to hear this," Grace called out, keeping her eyes on Micah. Micah immediately laughed, knowing that she was going to tell Dutch. Susan walked away from the sack she was packing, watching from the side. Dutch began to emerge from the tent. 

"I just saw Agent Milton, Dutch," Arthur explained to him. "Abigail shot him," Grace looked over at Susan who had a relieved look to hear Abigail was okay. "She's okay... not that you care too much about that," Arthur continued as him and Grace continued to move into the camp. Arthur's head turned towards Micah and his friends. "You rats... all of you. Seems old Micah was pretty close with Milton."

"What the hell are you talking about, cowpoke?" Micah grumbled, taking a step forward. Dutch continued to stand there, gobsmacked. 

"You talked," Arthur stated as he stared Micah down. 

"That's a goddamn lie," Micah lied, looking over at Dutch as he continued to take steps closer to him and Grace, Joe and Cleet keeping close behind Micah whereas Bill hung back.

"You want to know where I've been, Dutch?" Grace asked the man, looking at him before pointing at Micah. "This asshole chained me up in Catfish Jackson. You want to know why?" She continued, taking a few steps closer to Micah, her eyes locking onto his. "I caught him ratting to Milton and Ross in Doyle's Tavern. Micah said if they get him the Blackwater money he'll tell them everything, on top of that he'd get the cash for your head," Grace hissed. 

"She weren't shot by an O'Driscoll," Arthur jumped in as Micah opened his mouth to speak again. His jaw clamped shut tightly as he stared at the both of them. "He shot her, he shot her because she saw him," Arthur explained, looking at Dutch. Dutch looked shocked and confused, looking back and forth at the divide in his camp. "Bet he was harassing you about where the Blackwater money was hidden, Dutch?"

"I...I," Dutch began, looking at them and Micah. The leader looked shocked, he had been fooled by Micah. 

"Dutch," Grace began, trying to get him to see eye to eye with her and Arthur.

"Dutch," Micah jumped in. "Think of the future," Micah tried to convince Dutch once more.

"Milton told me," Arthur reminded. 

"I saw it all for myself, Dutch," Grace also reminded. 

"And you believe him, Arthur? You believe him?" Micah continued, trying to now work his persuasion skills on Arthur. "And you believe her? She's a fool, she would do anything to get things to go her way."

"Excuse me?" Grace hissed in disgust. "This is something one can not make up. I would never say this to hurt you, Dutch. I would say it to be honest and loyal," Grace pushed on Micah, her fists clenching by her sides. She looked over at Dutch. "It all should make sense to you, how he has been slithering all around you."

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