Kiss Him or Kill Him

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Okay, I am so so sorry it took so long for me to update. The last 2 days of Shawmila content had me feeling all sorts of ways, and I had to restart my heart and breathing several times!

Although, I did get a bunch of inspiration for more fics.

This one is inspired by the song "If I can't Have You" by Shawn Mendes.


"Dude, you're nuts, you know that right?" Shawn questioned the older singer. His eyebrows shooting up his forehead as he looked at his friend and mentor in almost disbelief.

"Come on man, what could be so bad about it? It would be a perfect way to A break out your new single and B FINALLY admit to her what every. Single. Other. Person with eyes knows about you two" John said to the younger Canadian.

"What could be bad about it? Oh my god! Well, she hates parading these kinds of private things out in the public eye!" he practically shouted, throwing his hands up.

"Okay listen, she is either going to kill you or kiss you, it's one of the two, besides, it's not like this is SUPER public, it's just a showcase for the label," John said, his eyes wide as he tried to convince the younger, lovesick kid. He had watched these two for years now, had heard the album Shawn had written, recorded and released that was essentially a love letter for the young Cuban beauty. Christ, even she has written and recorded songs for him!

"One more thing Shawn" John said to him "You said she doesn't like taking these types of things public, well BOTH of you have released albums that basically are love letters to each other, so I don't think that argument is going to stick" and with that, the older singer turned and walked out of Shawn's dressing room.

"Fuck!" Shawn swore, running a hand through his thick curls, picking up his guitar before heading out and to the stage. This could possibly the worst decision of his life.


He stood on the small stage at the mic, looking out at the gathering of music execs and other artists. His eyes sweeping over them to finally rest in her. She was there, sitting in the front row, in a sinfully tight white dress. It fit her every curve, was sleeveless and stopped about mid-thigh. Her hair was left long and flowing, framing her beautiful face. He locked his gaze with hers, a small smile crossing her red full lips. He gave a sideways grin, the one he knew she couldn't resist and brought his attention back to the task at hand.

She was either going to kill him or kiss him, which is what he kept saying to himself as he swallowed the lump in his throat and began.

"Good evening everyone, I'm Shawn Mendes"

The crowd cheered and clapped, Camila, whistling at him, a big bright smile plastered on her face.

"I'm going to play you a brand-new song, that wasn't on the album, but I am going to be releasing it in about two weeks, so you all get to hear it first" he grinned into the microphone. He looked at her, eyes shining and gave her a wink.

"This is If I Can't Have You"

The band started playing, tapping his foot in time. He found her eyes once more and dove headfirst into the deep chocolate pools. He swung his guitar around to rest against his back.

I can't write one song that's not about you
Can't drink without thinkin' about you
Is it too late to tell you that
Everything means nothing if I can't have you?

I'm in Toronto and I got this view
But I might as well be in a hotel room, yeah
It doesn't matter 'cause I'm so consumed
Spending all my nights reading texts from you

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