Write It on My Neck

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A/N: Bruhhhh..... those songs!! The Shameless video!! HOLY F*&%^&*% S#^! dude. I could go on for hours on this topic... like fr fr...

I also do not take full responsibility for what was written, sis just flexed so hard with the songs she dropped...

WARNING: Soooo much SMUT. Please have your church fan, bible and a priest on standby. Also, the code to the walk-in freezer is 9519, ill be waiting in there when you are done reading.


Every hair on her body stood on end. She froze in place, her breathing slow and labored. She could feel the tension start in her chest, and slowly start spreading throughout her entire body.

He slowly walked towards her, careful not to go too fast, as he didn't want to spook her. His heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest. He stopped in front of her, invading her space, her scent surrounding him, making him dizzy. He placed a finger under her chin and slowly lifted her face up towards him.

Their eyes locked. Her lips parted. His tongue swiping over his own lips. The pressure against her chest was almost unbearable. She could feel his breath dance across her face, she brought a hand up and wrapped it around his wrist. She took her bottom lip and slowly rolled it between her teeth.

Then, the tension snapped.




She was exhausted. Emotionally and physically exhausted. The last week and a half had all been a little too much for her. It just added to the already emotional rollercoaster she had been on for the last three months. Her head hurt, her body hurt, but more importantly, her heart hurt. She rubbed the back of her neck, rotating her head around to try and loosen the kinks out.

She walked into her house, throwing her purse on a nearby chair. She had been in the studio all day, she had written two new songs for her album, the chorus of the last song, playing over and over in her head. She had sent him the songs once they were finished. Because no matter what, he was always the one that would tell her the truth, that would tell her exactly what he thought of the songs.

Taking a big breath in, trying to calm her nerves, she thought about next week. How was she supposed to get through filming with him? Earlier in the week, they had had some of the most intense dance rehearsals she has ever experienced. It wasn't because of the choreography, it wasn't because of the concept of the video, it was because of him. Her chest squeezed tight at just the thought of him, her skin started to tingle, remembering the way his hands felt running up her body. The pure and utter desire that coursed through her almost brought her to her knees.

She had finally fully accepted that she wanted him, that she needed him, and it was far from just friendly. Things were changing between them, they were starting to explore what this could be. But they still had not completely crossed that line. She leaned on the chair, closing her eyes, remembering what it felt like to be pressed up against that wall, her legs wrapped around his waist and their faces mere inches from each other. The way his eyes had traveled down her face and watched her lips. The fire that shot through her body with just a simple look from him was overpowering.

Pushing herself away from the chair she headed to her room. She needed a shower, she needed to wash all the emotions from this day, from this week, down the drain. She needed to clear her head, it was completely overtaken by him.

Once in her room, she kicked off her shoes and headed to her bathroom. She turned on the water and adjusted the temperature, watched as it ran down the tub and swirled around the drain. Breaking her trance, she turned and walked back into her room. Then every hair on her body stood on end, she was frozen in place and her breathing slow and labored. She could feel the tension start in her chest, and slowly start spreading throughout her entire body.

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