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A/N: I am just assuming you all saw that rehearsal clip... cause I am still not okay. That was the hottest 7 seconds ever on camera.

I need Jesus....


She brought the bottle up to her lips and took a long sip. Her eyes never leaving his. They sat on opposite sides of the rehearsal studio, the tension between them at a brisk boil. Any minute now it was going to boil over.

Her body still burned from when he was pressed up against her. Her legs tingled from having been wrapped around his waist. She rested her head back against the wall, but still kept her eyes locked on him.

He watched every single move she made like it was a masterpiece. Even the way her chest moved as she took a breath was mesmerizing. His skin was still on fire from being pressed up against her. He had only ever dreamt of having her pushed up against a wall, then feeling her slid down his body. Goosebumps erupted over his skin again, just thinking about the way she felt, wrapped around his waist.

He tried to take in a breath, in order to calm his racing heart, but it only proved to make things worse. He could still smell her on his clothes. He squeezed his eyes shut, hoping breaking the eye contact would help. When he opened his eyes, her sultry dark stare was still there. He watched as her tongue darted out to lick her lips, and how she rolled her bottom lip between her teeth. He could feel the tension in his belly coil and sweat start to bead on his forehead.

She saw how his eyes watched her mouth, and a hotshot of lust coursed through her body. She didn't know how much more of this she was going to be able to take. Every nerve in her body was on fire. Before she could think of her next move Calvit, Sara and her mom came back into the room, but that did nothing to ease the tension.

Sinu only smiled and she took a seat in the corner of the room. Sara and Calvit giving each other knowing looks, before instructing the pair to run through the entire routine start to finish.


She flipped around and was against his hard chest, his hand coming up to cup her chin, bring her face to up so he could look at her. She forgot how to breathe.

She spun back around, her hoodie riding up some. Then he stepped forward at the same time she did. His arms around her waist, her hands circling around his neck and her legs wrapping around his waist. He almost forgot where there were, he could feel the heat radiating from her and all he could think about was attaching his lips to her neck.

In another moment, he pushed her up against the wall. Her left arm going up and she ran her other hand up and into his hair.

Every so slowly, she slipped down the wall, pressing her body more firmly into his. They didn't even notice the camera right next to them, they were so focused on each other.

His eyes raked down her face and he watched her mouth, her lips parting as she took in a sharp breath. Her eyes locked with his and her face came level with him and she slithered down the wall. He could kiss her right now, he was so close.

Just then the entire room erupted into applause. He didn't realize it, but they had just completed the entire dance, from start to finish without a mistake. He backed up letting her come down all the way, her feet firmly planted on the ground.

They smiled, bright contagious smiles at each other and went in for a group hug with Sara. Breaking apart and joining in on the applause.

"Okay you two, go get some rest. We start filming this thing tomorrow!" Sara said to them, walking over to grab her stuff.

The tension in the air didn't disappear as they all started to gather their things and leave the rehearsal hall. Camila smiled at her mom, as they started to walk out, the hair on the back of her neck standing up as she felt him behind her. She noticed her mom looking over at him, smiling and then walking ahead of the pair.

He ran a hand down her arm and laced his fingers with her tugging slightly, he pulled her back to him. She looked up at him through her thick lashes, her lips parting.

"Have dinner with me" he said. It wasn't a question or a request.

She nodded her head in agreement, swallowed the lump in her throat. "Chan-" her voice was hushed, she swallowed again "Can we go change first?" she asked.

He smiled and nodded. She unwillingly released his hand and they walked out of the building and to the waiting cars.


She was shaking as she looked at herself in the mirror. Just having finished getting ready for dinner, she brought a hand up and gripped onto her neck. She closed her eyes and she remembered not but two hours ago, the feel of his breath on her skin his arms around her waist. The feel of her back pinned into that wall and his warm, hard body pressed against her.

Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock on her door. Her heart leaped and heat coursed through her veins even more.

Running a hand through her long dark hair, she walked quietly over to the door, undoing the bolt, she opened it.

Breathing stopped for him when the door opened and she stood before him, in a beautiful blue flowing skirt and a black tank top. Her hair was down and wild around her face. Her skin glowed and she watched him.

He couldn't go another minute without touching her. And without missing a beat, he went forward and grabbed her around her waist. Her arms and legs going around him, just like before. Like they belonged there. He pinned her against the nearest wall, after all, he was getting rather good at it. Her lips parting in a gasp as her back hit the hard surface. His eyes going immediately to her mouth.

"Shawn-"she said in a surprised yet lusty tone. "We aren't rehearsing anymore" yet she brought her face closer to his. She felt him press his hips into her further, keeping her in place.

He gave her a cocky smile, her breath ghosting over his face "Precisely" and before either could take a breath, his lips were smashed against hers in a kiss that could have lit the entire building on fire.


I hope this came out okay. Because the 7-second video had me feeling some kinda way!

I am telling you the freezer, holy water, and Jesus is what is needed... not necessarily in that order!

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