I Won't Let You Fall

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A/N: I am not actually sure if I am alive or not. The basketball game... the photo I used for this chapter is quickly becoming my favorite. WHY ARE THEY SO CUTE?!?!?!?!

emba91 100% spammed my phone until I woke up at 4 am!!!!!! But I mean, it was totally worth it. (xoxo boo! <3)

Lover remix... I was not prepared to be attacked like that. It's beautiful, I have been listening to it all day long. BTW  this lyric "See, I finally got you now, honey, I won't let you fall" ... the way he sings 'honey" makes me tear up and get goosebumps every time, it's borderline heartbreaking.


He could already feel the ache in his chest as he watched her, and her mom walk down the jetway, to their plane. It had been a perfect couple of days with her, his soul had felt complete and he couldn't stop smiling. But now it was back to work, she had some last-minute things to do for her album and he had the last leg of his tour to finish.

She turned one last time to look at him, giving him a wink and blowing a kiss. She saw the blush in his cheeks and the smile on his face, her heart flipped in her chest. She reached down to grab her mom's hand, who simply smiled at her, and they made their way to the entrance of the plane.

With a heavy sigh, he turned around and made his way to the waiting area for his flight. The rest of his band, crew, and friends were already there. Knowing he would be occupied with the dark-haired girl until the last possible moment. Finding his gate, he sat on the other side of Brian and Connor, who were both giving him knowing looks. All he could do was roll his eyes at them and ignore their teasing.

His phone vibrated, bringing his attention away from his friends. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. Smiling at a message from the object of all his thoughts. Then he saw the text that had just come through, it had been a while since he heard from his friend. He quickly unlocked his phone and went to his iMessage app.


S:<hey Taylor, what's up?>

T:<Where are you in the world right now?>

S:<At the Tokyo airport, about to go to Australia... Camila just got on a plane...>

T:<You're already pouting aren't you..."



T:<my god Mendes, I knew you had it bad...>

S:<I can't help it>

T:<I know... you never could>

T:<anyway, I have a proposition for you>

S:<Im not sure if I should be worried or excited...>

T:<Shut up...>

T:<My song Lover... wanna do a remix with?>

He paused and stared down at his phone. His memories immediately taking him back to when he and Camila had danced around her house to this song. His fingers tingled at the memory of holding her, he took in a breath, waited another beat and then answered.



Taylor had sent him her thoughts on the lyrics he had written for the second verse and the bridge. The new lyrics had come so easily to him, but that wasn't a surprise. Taylor had said the song was a love letter and he should turn it into his own. He was to make it into a love letter of his own. And so, he did, he didn't hide it or act coy with the words. He wrote it for her.

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