Come To Me

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A/N: Hello! What a crazy world we are in right now right? Well as of 3/20/2020 I am working from home. So I am hoping I can write more, but it just depends on what all I have to do. Everything seems to be changing very quickly when it comes to COVID19. I hope you all are staying safe and well. <3

Sorry, this was supposed to be done and posted DAYSSSSS ago, but I deleted it 8 times.

The story is all @shamelessliar91 fault. Also, you are SO DRAMATIC!

My may need your church fan and some Holy water... or Jesus... just depends. lol


They made their way into the house. It was crowded and loud. Music blasting from the many speakers scattered throughout. She watched as he made his way over to greet some of his friends, their hands fell away from each other as he moved away from her.

She watched the way he moved, the way his muscles strained against the white shirt he was wearing, how his jeans sat low on his hips. Their entire relationship had completely changed in such a short amount of time, but they hadn't made anything official. She felt the tension start to build in her chest as she watched him. Smiling to herself, she made her way over to where the drinks were.


"Are you single?" She turned and looked at the guy who had just spoken to her. Eyeing him up and down. She knew Shawn was watching, the alcohol warming her belly and making her brave. She smirked, looking over the guy's shoulder and right at Shawn. Her eyes burning into him, she felt the tension twist in her belly. She brought her eyes back to the nice-looking guy and smiled, "As of right now, yes..."

"Perfect." He said as he moved forward his face right next to her ear. "Do you want to dance?" his hand resting on her hip.

She rolled her bottom lip between her teeth, her eyes still on the tall Canadian in the corner of the room. "Defiantly," she said just loud enough so the stranger could hear her, and Shawn knew exactly what she was saying.

She grabbed the guy by the shirt and lead him to where people were dancing, her eyes never leaving Shawn's.

(To get the full picture, listen to "Come To Me" by Diddy Ft/Nicole Scherzinger)

Shawn watched the entire exchange between her and that other guy. The minute he saw him move towards her, he felt his entire body heat up, he started to shake and could hear the blood rush in his head.

He no longer was paying any attention to what Sam was saying to him, all he could do was watch her every movement. He almost broke the plastic cup in his hand, when the strange guy's hand rested on her hip. Her eyes were locked with his and he couldn't breathe, he couldn't even move. It always scared him, just a little, how jealous he could get when it came to her. How possessive he felt over her. He had always reacted like this, ever since the first time, he saw her with someone that wasn't him.

His jaw clenched, the tension in his chest rising, the temperature in the room increasing as the rage builds in his belly as he watches them on the dance floor. Camila's back is to the stranger and her eyes are on him, dark, daring him to do something. She moves her hips to the beat, her hair flying wild around her. The other guy's hands ghost down her sides and rest on her hips, keeping her pressed into him as they dance.

She could feel the air between them become thick, which made it increasingly hard to breathe. She watched him through her lashed, she saw how his eyes roamed over her, staying locked on her hips for half a beat. She saw his jaw become tight and his fingers curl into a fist, she saw how his own breath became hard for him to control. She could barely pay much attention to the man she was dancing with, even when his hands made their way to her hips. She knew she was playing with fire, but she didn't care. The tequila running through made her not care, she needed him, and this was the way she was going to make it known.

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