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A/N: ................................. There really are not enough words to describe how I feel right now. That was an absolutely incredible performance. I have watched it so many times already and I find new things to love about it every single time. <3

I just started writing after the show was over, and I guess this is what came from that.


Their performance was the most anticipated of the evening. It was all over entertainment news and social media. They had been rehearsing for days, or as often as Shawn could given his tour schedule. But now the moment was here and there was no turning back now.

She stood in the middle of the stage and waited for her cue. The minute the music started, and all the lights illuminated, all her nerves disappeared. The air in that arena immediately shifted and you could cut the tension with a knife.

They walked towards each other, and she knew the turning of her gut wasn't from anxiety, but from the way he was looking at her as he walked forward, that guitar slung across his back, she could see every muscle in his chest flex. This was going to be the longest performance of her life is she didn't get her thoughts back to the song.

He started to sing, and she knew he was affected by it too. She circled slowly around him, there eye meeting and locking together, her chest tightened when he quickly swept his eyes up and down her body and she nearly didn't make it to the next line of the song.

She looked like a goddess in that white lace dress. Her thick curly hair flowing down her back. He couldn't help but watch her mouth as she sang the words to their song. He had always been completely and helplessly mesmerized by her when she performed. The way the low light made her skin glow and the way she moved around him was not helping him to concentrate on anything but her.

He almost missed a string on the guitar when she put her hand on his arm. It took everything in him, at that moment to continue the song when he felt her pressed up against his back. Every nerve in his body was in tune to her and her every move.

She pushed herself off of his back, coming around and singing the second verse. She could feel him follow her before he remembered he needed a mic too. She slowly backed up, timing her steps perfectly to press up against his chest when she got to the word fall. Her arm going up to his shoulder, she felt him falter for a moment in his movements.

Then she was slithering down his body, grabbed his hand on the way down and in the next moment he pulled her up and spun her around and she was pressed against his chest. They both paused, trying desperately to get enough air into their lungs to finish, their faces deliciously close to each other. She gave a small sexy smile, the tension mounting even further, the crowd went wild.

He watched as she licked her lips and he brought his hand up to tilt her chin up towards him. They each bring their microphones up to their lips, the burning in his chest was almost too much.

Then they broke apart, starting the chores. They didn't stay very far apart from each other. Their bodies gravitating towards each other on instinct. They kept their eyes on each other, putting every ounce of passion they had into the words.

When they were close enough he grabbed her hand and twirled her around. A beautiful, loving smile crossing his face. Then in the next moment, they were locked together again. Their bodies pressed into each other. She ran a hand from his neck down his chest and he brought his up to hold the back of her head. She dropped her hand and pulled back slightly, only to have him run a hand down her arm, lace their fingers together and pull her back towards him. Her hand going back up to his neck, and their faces so close their noses touched.

She dropped the hand down that was holding her mic, closed her eyes and relished in the feeling of having him there with her on stage. They were barely able to finish the last couple of bars of the song; they were so consumed by each other.

On the last note their eyes met, he felt the entire world stop. There was just her and him and everything else disappeared. They stood there, utterly enraptured with each other, forgetting everything around them. She was breathtaking.

All too suddenly, the world came back to them. She smiled, scrunched her nose up and lovingly brushed it against his. They separated from each other, big smiles on their faces. But he didn't let her go far, he kept their hands linked and brought her back towards him for a hug. He quickly placed a kiss under her ear and whispered, "you were sensational."


She sat in her dressing room, eyes closed, taking in deep breaths. She had quickly changed out of her performance outfit and sent her glam team away. She had been so nervous for not only the performance but for the fact they were not trying to hide their feelings anymore.

She felt the change in the air exactly 1 second before his strong arms came around her waist, his hot breath on her neck and his lips on her skin. She smiled, leaned her body into his chest and her head onto his shoulder. He smiled into the kisses he was leaving on her shoulder.

He rested his chin on her shoulder and looked at her through the mirror of her makeup vanity. "You look absolutely incredible in this dress" he whispered to her, noticing how goosebumps erupted over her skin.

She turned her head so she could look at him and he gently took her by the hands and spun her around to face him. Her hands inching up his chest to rest against the back of his neck. Her long dark lashes sweeping up, her eyes met his. Her tongue came out to lick her lips and her breath caught when he leaned in closer to her. Heat radiated from him and consumed her entire being.

"That performance was-" but he didn't let her finish. He had held back enough during their time on stage and he couldn't restrain himself another moment longer. He crashed his lips against hers and the moaned into each other, finally relieving some of the pressure that had built up between them.

Breaking apart she gently placed a hand on the side of his face and smiled. Their foreheads resting against each other, "come on, let's go back to our seats, we can finish this later"

"Later?" he asked in a husky, lust-filled voice.

She smiled, placing a gentle kiss on his lips, "yeah, later, when we can celebrate this night... alone" her voice low and dripping with meaning, then she winked at him before getting up, leaving him practically melted into the floor.

He managed to get himself up and he caught up to her, laced their fingers together and went to enjoy the rest of the show. Together.


I live in this walk-in freezer now, with my holy water and this performance playing on repeat.

- the audience's reactions to their performance are literally everyone and my new favorite mood.

- her dress.... my god she was stunning.

- He looked damn good in that green suit.

- THEY FREAKING WON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- and lets not even forget about the ridiculously cute moments of them in their seats together.

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