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A/N: I am blaming emba91 for this, cause we went down an IKWYDLS - Shawmila hole and this is all I could think about after watching (and/or re-watching) about 90478 interviews with the two. Especially after C says her favorite part of Jingle Ball(2018) was seeing Shawn... like is she serious with comments like that?? kill me now!

Although to be fair, emba91 spammed me pretty well today so I could write. lol


December 2018

He ghosted his hands down the sides of her body. Causing her to arch up into him, moaning his name. His face hovering above hers, their lips lightly brushing causing shock waves of desire to roll through them both.

"Camila..." he said her name, but it sounded so far away. Her eyes fluttered open, and she realized she was dreaming of him. Again.

He was sitting on the edge of the bed, lightly rubbing her arm and saying her name softly. She looked over at him and smiled. "Hey, you..." she said to him softly. He smiled back and she reached her arms towards him, he leaned over, and they wrapped each other up in a tight hug. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath of him. Her body coming alive instantly at having him pressed against her.

It was getting harder and harder for him to stay in the friend zone when they were around each other. They hadn't seen each other face to face in a long time. He had jumped at the chance to go on the Jingle Ball tour, knowing she would be there too. It really was the only reason he agreed to do it. But right now, having her in his arms, his world stopped. Her scent evaded his senses, and he caught his breath when he felt her arms squeeze tighter around him.

They slowly pulled apart, their faces inches away from each other. His eyes swept down to look at her lips, her breath caught. Just then her mom came into the room with a tray full of breakfast for them. They quickly ripped apart from each other, Shawn standing up and going over to help Sinu with the food.

"Thank you, Shawn," Sinu smiled up at the tall boy, knowing full well what they had been about to do before she came in.

He blushed, looking down as he turned to take Camila a banana and some coffee. She was up and out of bed, her back to him as she put on a hoodie, that looked like it was his. She turned back to him, smiling sweetly as she accepted what he had brought her. Their fingers brushed as he handed the items over, and both caught their breath.

"Are you nervous?" she asked him, breaking some of the tension that was building between them.

He smiled at her, running a hand through his hair. "I am, but I am not expecting anything, that way when nothing happens, I won't be too upset about it," he said, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

"Me too!" she exclaimed back at him, in between bites of her banana. Swallowing. "Thank you for coming to watch the nominations with me," she said, suddenly shy and looking down.

He stepped forward, placing a finger under her chin and tilting her head up so he could look at her. The minute their eyes meeting, the tension returned and they both had trouble breathing. He smiled softly at her, "I wouldn't want to experience this with anyone else but you" his voice barely above a whisper.

Sinu, watching the interaction between her daughter and the young Canadian. Simply rolled her eyes and went over to the television to find the right channel for them to watch. It was getting painful to see these two ignoring their obvious feelings for each other. "Okay you two, come over here, the Grammy nominations are about to start"


They stood next to each other in front of the TV, waiting, hoping and wishing. They both couldn't think of anyone better to experience this with. They had practically started out on this crazy journey together and it was only right that they go through this next part together as well. Their bodies were millimeters apart from each other. She could feel the heat radiating off of him. Her fingers twitched and brushed against his hand, but he did not move it away. She smiled to herself, enjoying having him so close.

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