Staking Claim

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A/N: You guys... I just don't know anymore. I had one line stuck in my head, and 2800+ words later, this was written. 

WARNING: Allllllll the smut, lots of it. You are gonna wanna go to the hardware store and get one of the industrial-sized box fans, then put it in the walk-in freezer. I'll be in there with all the ice.


He studied her as she fixed her hair in the mirror. She had summoned him to her house, needing his opinion. She was going on a date, and the very thought caused an ache to start down deep in his belly, simmering as he tried to maintain composure. She turned around to face him, running a hand through her long dark hair one more time.

"How do I look?" she asked, a slightly terrified look crossing her beautiful face. She was wearing black skinny jeans that clung to her hips, a sleeveless white blouse and incredibly sexy red high heels.

He smiled up at her from his perch on her bed, "You look incredible" his voice trailing off. She responded with a smile and quickly went to grab her purse and phone. He watched her move around the room, the ache in his belly increasing as she prepared to leave.

"Okay, I sent you the address of the restaurant we will be at... just in case." She said as she came to stand in front of him again. She grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, "I will text you when it's over." And with that, she was out the door.

She had only been gone for 20 minutes and he was already pacing. He had stayed at her house, just in case she came home early. What the hell was wrong with him? How long had he waited for her? Years! And was he really going to let her go on a date with someone else? His phone dinged and he dug it out of his pocket, hoping she was asking him to come get her.

<he is so cute! It's great so far :)>

"Fuck!" he said out loud this time, to no one but himself. He scrubbed a hand over his face and took a deep breath. She was his best friend, but she was just his friend. Except she wasn't, she was Camila, his Camila and right now she was flirting and laughing with some guy that wasn't him.

His resolve broke then, he couldn't just stay there, letting the pure jealousy rage through him. He was out the door and to his car, he knew exactly what he had to do, he just didn't know how she would take it. ________________________________________________________________________________

He stood outside the restaurant, trying to summon up every ounce of courage and bravery that he had. He had never done anything like this in his entire life. Not for another person, let alone a girl. But this wasn't just any other person in his life. This was Camila, she knew him better than anyone else. She knew him before they became world-famous, she was there for him with every professional and personal triumph and disappointment. She stayed with him, and what had he given her in return? He hadn't had the balls to speak up and say anything to her. She had stood in front of him, pleading, finally telling him everything he had longed to hear for five years. And he had stayed silent.

He scrubbed a hand over his face and through his hair, swallowing hard, he marched through the doors. His stomach flipping, his heart rate erratic. He didn't wait for the hostess to greet him, he scanned the room, desperately looking for her. He finally spotted her over in the far corner of the dining room, wine in her hand and a smile that reached up to her eyes on her face. His heart stopped for a beat, and his breath became ragged, she was incredible, and she was supposed to be his.

He shook his head and started walking towards her, his gaze fixed on her. One single thought in his head. It felt like his heart would beat right out of his chest. He weaved his way through the room, avoiding waiters and other restaurant patrons as he went. He paused for a moment as a waiter carrying a tray full of food passed in front of him. Then without realizing it, he was standing there, in front of the table she was sitting at, staring at her.

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