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A/N: Hello everyone! I am back. Thank you all for sticking around, sorry I have been so sporadic with updates. Now that things seem to be getting back to normal in my personal life, I am hoping to resume a normal posting schedule. <3

p.s. - Jesus may be needed after this...


They stared at each other, for what felt like hours, standing there in the doorway of her house. Her breath coming in short labored spurts. It was hard to continue to breathe when his eyes were roaming over her face and stopping at her lips. She couldn't think when she was the way his tongue came out to run over his bottom lip.

She gripped onto the door handle a little harder, the air snapping between them. She tore her eyes away from his lips and met his eyes again. The look in them made her want to split in half. He pushed forward, causing her to walk backward into the house. He closed the door behind him and continued to invade her space. His scent clouded her thoughts, the warmth of his skin radiating off of him threatened to overtake her, she couldn't breathe, every inch of her skin burned. She was delirious with need.

The air snapped and he brought his hands to either side of her face, slowly bring her towards him. He gave her a shy, sexy smile and she had to stop herself from crawling up him and ending the torture. The tension in the air was heavy and pressed down on her chest, he dipped his head down and their lips were so close she could feel his warm breath fan over her face.

She opened her mouth, to say his name, but he quickly ended the torturous pain they were both in and crashed his lips with her in a life-altering, searing kiss. It had been years since she felt like this. Since she felt the sensations that coursed through her body when he touched her, it had been years since she had felt his lips on hers. He was all she was able to think about, obsess over and need. Their mouths moved slowly against each other, his tongue slowly moving across her bottom lip. On a sinful moan, she opened to him and the previous carefulness he exhibited with her broke.

Every brush of his fingers against her skin caused a new shock to roll through her body. His hands brushed down her sides and gripped onto her thighs, she jumped up and he pressed her into the nearest wall. Her legs wrapped around his waist and her hot center pressed into his bulge. She moaned into his mouth when his teeth pulled at her bottom lip, her fingers twisting around his hair, keeping him pressed against her.

They had tortured each other through dance rehearsals and teased through filming, and now they were here finally able to give in. He gently rolled her lip between his teeth, then let go to trail his lips across her jawline and down her neck. He almost lost any control he still had when she let out a sinful moan as he sucked at her pulse point. She threw her head back on a moan, giving him, better access and he took it.

She became desperate and clawed at his shirt, the need for him consuming her. He reached behind and pulled his shirt off, tearing his mouth away from her neck long enough the rip his shirt over his head. Her hands immediately running down his chest, then dancing across the waistband of his jeans, his abs flexing and a moan escaping his lips.

Their eyes locked, they stared at each other again. The air between them so thick, they couldn't breathe. She rolled her hips into him, moaning at the friction it caused. One strong arm wrapped around her waist and he pulled her away from the wall, pulling her shirt off as they collided onto the bed.

She let him run his hands down her and hook his fingers in the waistband of her leggings. She moaned when she felt his fingers brush over her thighs as he slowly and painfully removed them from her. Her entire body burned; she couldn't catch her breath. She was completely consumed by him.

She was a withering mess as he slowly crawled his way up her body, kissing his way to her burning core. Her hips shot up as he kissed the very inside of her thing, hooking his finger in the side of her panties, and quickly tearing them from her body. She cried out from the friction it caused against her center, but her cries were quickly silenced when pushed himself up and crashed his lips onto hers.

She didn't remember when he removed his jeans and boxers, but suddenly he was teasing her with the tip of his dick. Running it over her swollen clit and through her wet folds, but not yet giving in to what they both desperately wanted. His mouth showering attention to her perfect breasts. She clung to him, her fingernails digging into his arms as she became undone. She brought her legs up to wrap around his hips, pulling him into her and causing them to finally be joined. They both cried out at the sensation, as the tension in their bellies built from the rhythm their bodies created.

Being wrapped around him was better than any dream her mind could come up with. Feeling him pressed into her, their hips meeting and her fingers ghosting across his skin. Watching the way goosebumps erupted at her touch. As much as his very presence caused her heart to beat erratically, he also made her feel complete. If she was honest with herself, he always had.

She lay awake next to him, her fingers traced along the guitar tattoo on his arm. She had memorized it years ago, from watching him when she thought he wasn't looking. Her fingers had tingled from wanting to touch the ink on his skin.

But now she could, now she could trace every line. Her touch causing him to move in his sleep and he wrapped that same arm around her and pulled her against him. On a contented sigh, she snuggled into him, smiling into his neck. She moved her leg in between his, wrapping herself completely around him. Just the way they both preferred it to be.

It was always him. Since that first night all those years ago. No one else could hold her attention the way he could. No one else could make her want to melt into the floor with just a smile. No one, not even her ex-boyfriend could cause her to want this intensely. It happened every time she saw him.




Her eyes shot open, her breathing labored and she was covered in sweat. She looked around, her room dark and she was alone. It was another dream about him, another dream about him touching her, of kissing her and of giving in to what they both desperately wanted. Sitting up slowly in her bed, she untangled her legs from the blanket and looked over at the bedside table, it was 3 am. She ran a hand through her hair, brushing it away from her face, picking up her phone she saw someone had texted her three minutes ago. She opened her phone and her breath stopped; it was a message from him.

<It's always been you>

Her breath came back in short gasps. Her heart started to race. Her tongue darted out and she licked her dry lips. Her gut clenched and butterflies erupted in her chest. With shaky fingers she taped the phone, the cursor blinking at the empty reply bubble.

She sucked in a breath, held it and her fingers tapped across the screen.



She was fantastic at the Grammy's. The way that I sobbed during First Man, was not cute.

I am OBSESSED (to an unhealthy degree) with that yellow dress she wore during the tribute to Fame. 

I'm gonna need another minute to restart normal breathing after seeing the Grammy's after-party content we got... damn.

xoxoxo to my BFF shamelessliar91 <3 <3 <3 

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