Are You Jealous?

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A/N: You know what's funny, I was already going to write this story and then emba91 starting demanding it cause it has been 3 years since the song. So funny!

Also, the picture I chose for this chapter... like I cant with them... boy couldn't be more obvious even if he tried!


He pushed his way through the many different production people milling around backstage, trying desperately to get to where she was waiting to go on stage. He wasn't performing tonight but was supposed to meet up with the Jingle Ball tour in two days when they were in Boston. He had begged his managers to rearrange things so he could get here early. He needed to see her, he needed to be here when she performed her new collab with Machine Gun Kelly.

He knew he already missed Fifth Harmony's performance, and that was okay, he was here for her, no one else. He finally caught a glimpse of the top of her head, "Camila!" He called out to her. She whipped around as soon as they made eye contact her face erupted into a big smile and she rushed forward. His heart did flips in his chest, he opened his arms and she fit herself against him as if she was made to be there.

She let him wrap himself around her, there was nowhere she would rather be then in his arms right now. He made her feel safe, he calmed her aching heart, he was everything. She closed her eyes and her breath calmed as his scent overtook her senses. She squeezed her arms a little bit tighter around him and felt as he gently rubbed her back. They slowly untangled themselves from each other, "You're here..." she said softly to him, a sweet smile on her lips.

He smiled back down at her, "I wouldn't miss it... plus I have to perform with you guys in a couple of days anyway." The brief reunion was interrupted, by the stage manager giving Camila the five-minute warning. "Okay, I'm going to go out and watch you. See you after?"

She gave him a wink and a smile "Of course."

He had to push down the butterflies the erupted in his chest when she winked at him. He turned and seeing her mom gave her a tight hug, before making his way out to the section reserved for the artists.




She took a steadying breath. She couldn't believe she was playing at Madison Square Garden. She was excited to perform the song, she was excited that MGK was able to make it out to sing it with her, but something felt different. She tried to push the thought out of her head and concentrate on giving a great performance, she had someone to show off for tonight. He had come to see her, and she couldn't deny the way that made her heart flutter in her chest.

It was almost completely dark and she walked out on stage "New York can you all rock with us for one song tonight?" The crowd started to cheer, as the beginning chords of "Bad Things" started to play.

She smiled, her eyes scanning the crowd for him. "If love has ever made you crazy before... this song is for you" she placed the mic on the stand and started to sing.


He started to feel a little dizzy when she walked out on stage and the spotlight found her. He hadn't even noticed her performance outfit until now. His eyes ran up the length of her legs, which were covered in shimmery tights, the heels she wore making them look deliciously longer than normal. Her eyes found him briefly and he could feel his cheeks getting warm. She started to sing, and his breath caught, she sounded fantastic. He smiled as he watched her, forgetting for a moment where he was. When MGK came out, the crowd started to cheer a little louder. He didn't know the guy, but Camila said he was nice, and she had enjoyed working with him.

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