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A/N: I'm so sorry guys! I was on a 1-hour flight to London and I am about to get on a return flight home. So I will update again as soon as possible.

But also, that rehearsal clip still has me feeling a certain kind of way! 

This story is for my sis (you know who you are <3)


She had to stop shaking. She was never going to get through this performance if she kept shaking.

The first couple of bars of the song started to play, and the crowd went wild.

"Havana Oh Na Naaa" her beautiful voice rang out through the theater. She pulled the pin out of her hair and it cascaded down her back "Half of my heart is in Havana oh na naaa"

The crowd was electric and hung on her every word. He was frozen in place; she was mesmerizing up on the stage. His eyes roamed over her body as she danced her way through the stage. The bright yellow dress she wore did her curves all kinds of favors.

He stood there in the crowd, utterly transfixed by her. Her sultry smile and the way her hips moved. He couldn't take a deep breath; his heart was beating so fast you would have thought he was the one up there dancing. He could feel the heat bloom and cover his face.

His world ceased to turn when another group of dancers entered that stage, and a man in a bright red shirt waltzed right up behind her. His hand went to her hip, and her body was pressed up against his as they both swayed their hips to the lyrics.

It was like a sucker punch right to the gut.

The amount of jealous rage that coursed through his body surprised him. She wasn't his, and she was performing, so sexy dance moves go with that. But why did it feel like someone was squeezing his heart every time another man touched her?

In the next moment, some of that jealousy turned into pure desire when Ricky Martin joined the performance, and she started to sing in Spanish. He watched as she spun around, her hips moving, her lips moving over the foreign words. There was something so sexy about her saying things he didn't understand.

Then suddenly it was over, the crowd exploded in cheers and applause. She was spectacular, she was incredible. He clapped and cheered as loud as he could. Their eyes met for a brief moment and she wrinkled her nose at him. She had just performed on the Grammy's stage and he couldn't be prouder, but the jealousy of another man touching still ran through his body.


He briskly walked through the crowded backstage area; he was on a mission. He saw some of the other performers that were on stage with her, back up dancers and that one guy who had his hands all over her. He didn't realize his hand balled into a fist as he passed by them.

He turned a corner, a saw her mom standing outside what he assumed was her dressing room. "Mamá!" he called to Sinu, who turned around and smiled at the tall Canadian. Without saying a word, she simply hugged him, patted his cheek, giving him a sympathetic look and walked back down the hall. He watched her leave, only a little confused but then turned to face the door.

'Camila Cabello' was written on it and his stomach immediately knotted up, his chest burned, and his heart felt like it was going to beat right out of his chest. He blew out a breath, grabbed the door handle and without knocking went right into her room.


Her back was to him and she was leaning over her makeup vanity, fixing her make up in the mirror. Eyes wide she stared back at him through the mirror, her full red lips slightly parted. She straightened and turned towards him, her hair like a curtain around her.

You could cut the tension with a knife. The air was thick and they both had trouble breathing. He started to walk towards her, he could see the warm glow on her cheeks from performing. She stood her ground when he invaded her space, her back arched as she looked up at him. His hands went to her hips and he lifted her up and put her down against the makeup vanity.

A stray strand of hair hung in her face. He held it between two fingers, twirling it around. He then moved it to the side, tucking it behind her ear. He heard suck in a breath as his finger trailed a path from her ear to her cheek, down to her mouth, where he traced her lips before ending the contact.

Her skin was on fire and her lungs screamed for oxygen as she had stopped breathing. Her knees sat on either side of his hips and his body pressed into her. She ran her hands up his stomach, over his chest and draped her arms over his shoulders. His hands going down to rest on her thighs.

He licked his lips and tried not to notice when hers parted as she tried to breathe.

"Hmmm... that was an incredible performance Mila" his voice low and full of desire.

She twisted a finger in the hair at the base of his neck and gave him a sultry smile. "I'm glad you liked it... Ricky Martin was amazing" she made sure to roll the R knowing full well, how he would react.

His breath caught when he watched her lips move and her tongue roll. What he wouldn't do, to have that bottom lip between his teeth. He moved his hands up her thighs, his fingers playing with the edge of the leotard she had on under that dress.

"Yeah... but what were you doing with that dancer?" the jealousy dripping from his words.

She had to admit, he was sexy as hell when he was jealous. That was one of the reasons she danced the way she did if nothing else then to enjoy how hot he was when trying to tame the jealous rage the never ceased to course through him after her shows.

She brought a finger up to trace over his mouth, her eyes following the trail her finger made. She smiled at the way his breath hitched and the pink color that filled his cheeks. "Which dancer? There was an entire stage full of them" she said coyly, not willing to give up that easily.

He felt the jealousy flare up and flash in his eyes, his nostrils flared. He ran a hand up her back, grabbed some of her hair and gently pulled her head back, his lips coming dangerously close to hers. "The one with his hands all over you..." he growled, before moving down and placing a kiss on her neck.

She shivered when his lips finally made contact with her skin. Desire shooting straight to her core. She rolled her bottom lip with her teeth, her fingers running down from his neck to grab the collar of his shirt. "Hmmmm... it's a sexy song Shawn, so you need a sexy dance to go with it" her voice teased laced with desire.

Something snapped in him just then, and he grabbed her by the waist, picked her up and pushed her against the wall next to the makeup vanity. She slid down and was eye level with him, a dark look in her eye, her lips parted. "No one gets to touch you like that" he managed to say, his voice shaking some from trying to control himself. He pushed his hips into her.

The friction he created when he pushed her up against the wall made her eyes roll back into her head. The dark almost dangerous look in his eye making her wet. "And why... may I ask is that" her voice husky with want.

He smirked at her and finally broke by crashing his mouth down onto hers. Her hands went to either side of his face to hold him in place. Their kiss was deep, needy and hungry. Their kiss was proving a point.

Finally, unable to continue for the need for air, they broke apart. Panting, she watched him through hooded eyes. Her body vibrating from his touch.

He brought his face down and kissed her gently, moving back to look at her "because Camila, you..." he kissed her again, "are mine."


Not gonna lie, this was kinda fun to write. 

Just trying to prepare us all for the VMAs...cause I die!

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