Breaking Point

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A/N: You should know that there were no actual real words made between emba91 and I when Camila posted on her story and then Shawn posted that pic on his IG, and just when we thought we could breathe again.....  SHE COMMENTED ON THE PHOTO!!!!

Several of you requested this story, I hope I did it justice.

All the smut... you have been warned... you are gonna need the holy water, walk-in freezer, church fan... all the things, lol


All Benny and Andrew could do were to sit there and watch the two young singers' pace around each other like two fighters squaring each other up. It had been hours of very little getting accomplished, the two writers had spent most of the time trying to get the two on the same musical page.

Benny looked over at Camila's mom, who was sitting next to him, she simply watched the pair over her glasses. She glanced over at Benny, a small knowing smile crossing her lips. Benny leaned over to say something to her, but his actions were quickly silenced by another blow-up between the two.

"Camila! I am just as passionate about this as you are!" he shouted, his cheeks were pink and he could feel the frustration building in his chest, she was absolutely maddening, in the kind of way that made it hard to tell if he wanted to strangle her or kiss her. They had been going at each other for hours it felt like, arguing about the smallest detail, every single piece of the song meant something, every single piece held a part of each of them.

She felt her patience wearing thinner and thinner at each passing moment. "Oh yeah..." she raised eyebrows, her chin tilted up, so their gazes locked, she swept her tongue over her lips. "Prove it" her tongue making a delicious clicking sound as she drew out the last letter.

They were standing right up against each other, only inches between them, both of them finding it hard to breathe. They didn't notice how Benny, Andrew, and her mom stared wide-eyed at them. They didn't hear Benny yell something about taking a break for dinner, they didn't even notice the three other people leaving the studio altogether.

There was a soft click of the door closing behind Andrew, and in one smooth motion, Shawn's hands came up and grabbed both of her arms, pushing her into the wall directly behind her. He pressed his hips into hers, keeping her pressed against the wall. Out of the need to keep her balance, her legs went around his waist, her hands grabbing at his shirt, in order to hold herself up. His hands resting against the wall, on either side of her face, their noses brushed causing a shock wave of heat to jolt through both of them. Their eyes locked on each other, their breath ragged, neither of them could speak, but simply dared the other to make the first move.

She could feel him pressed into her center and she tightened her legs around him. She ran a hand up his chest and circled her fingers around his neck. The minute her fingertips touched his skin they both shivered. She knew this was bound to happen, there was far too much-unresolved tension lying between them. Her eyes fell to his lips and lingered there for a moment, she smirked thinking of all the times she had dreamt of what those lips could do to her.

He moved just a fraction closer, but their lips still did not meet. He could feel her breath dance across his face, she was intoxicating. Her eyes came back up and met his, he licked his lips, swallowed hard and tried not to let the pure desire that was coursing through his veins take over.

She couldn't think, she needed to get away, but her body wasn't listening to her brain. Everything about her craved him, needed him. He was like a drug. She sucked in a breath, bit her tongue and desperately fought back the pure desire that was coursing through her. She released her legs and gently pushed against his hard, muscular chest. She felt his muscles quiver under her touch, and she almost gave in when she ran her hand down. But before she could, she dipped down and untangled herself from him. On shaky legs, she snagged her laptop from the couch and walked into the conference room.

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