Pieces of You

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A/N: The IG content we are getting is literally EVERYTHING.
I also lol so hard every time she is wearing something of his.
The IG story of them cooking... dead... "burnt food..... dot com"

There is a song, I think I have mentioned it before, it fits this story so well. "Crazy" by Stars Go Dim

OH.EM.GEE. Those IG videos Shawn has been posting. In the words of shamelessliar91  - "The fact that he is singing a song, he wrote about Camila, in Camila's house that he is living in WITH Camila is such a flex"

xoxo to my boo shamelessliar91 she puts up with so much <3


She was livid, she was so angry she didn't even know what to do with herself. Her hands shook and she paced her hotel room like a caged animal. Thank god she was alone. She tried desperately to calm herself, trying to control her breathing and ease her heart rate.

She sat on the edge of the bed, letting the stress leave her body. But she would be a fool if she thought all the tension in her body was strictly from anger. She knew it wasn't. It was from just being in the same air space with him. It was from how he looked at her, it was from how he said her name.

She fell backward onto her bed. Her entire body started to tingle as thoughts of him raced thought her head. She was still so angry with him and the emotional roller-coaster he had put her through. But on the same breath, she ached for him. Her soul reached out in search of him.

She had thought she was over it; she had thought she had buried these feelings long ago. She thought she was able to be around him without thinking about the way his lips felt against her, or the way his hands felt against her skin.

Unshed tears started to slowly build their way to the surface, she stared up at the ceiling, willing her racing heart to settle. She could still feel the anger in her gut. She had spent so much time getting over him. She had spent so much time telling herself she wasn't in love with him, that it was just a crush. She had tried to ignore the way other people looked at the two of them, or the way her mom would smile when she saw the way Camila's entire being changed when the tall boy entered the same room.

Slamming her eyes shut, she let all the feelings come forward. All the feelings she had so carefully hidden away. All the feelings she was sure she didn't have anymore. It really was so easy for them to be uncovered. She slowly rolled over, grabbing a pillow she buried her face in it a sobbed.

He was in love with her, he had been in love with her this entire time.


He stared aimlessly out the window as he rocked back into the chair. His long legs in front of him. He gently swirled the glass listening to the way the ice moved. He couldn't get the look on her face out of his head. How her entire body radiated with anger towards him. Her last words to him still rang in his ear.

He knew what he had done, he knew he had messed up. But he also knew he was in love with her. He had been in love with her for years. As he brought the glass up to his lips, he thought about all those moments they had. All those moments he could have held her hand or kissed her beautiful lips. He let the dark liquid run down his throat and warm his belly, but the ache in his chest remained.

He had tortured himself by saying no to her two years ago. He chose his pride over her, over the one person in the business that had always been there. The one person he had met since this all began, that was truly a friend. He had blown it, yet they kept each other around. Neither of them able to fully let go.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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