Calvin Klein

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A/N: VMA performance + beginning of the drought = THIS FIC

M for MATURE (you gonna need the freezer and the holy water at least!)


She knew she had arrived a little early to meet him, but she wanted to get a peek at what kind of photoshoot he was doing. They had made plans for dinner and a Harry Potter marathon since they were both in the same city for longer than a day. He had asked her to meet him at the photo shoot location. The car pulled up to a large building and Calvin Klein was written on the side. She smiled to herself, getting out of the car and asking the driver to wait, she headed inside.

There was a flurry of activity, the flash of the camera going off in rapid succession. She walked forward, wanting to see what had everyone in a tizzy. She caught what she thought were slight glimpses of him as people and lights moved around, but then a set assistant moved a giant whiteboard, used for lighting and the entire world stopped.

The air became too thick to breathe, and her gut twisted. Her mouth went dry and heat filled her entire body. Her legs began to shake and little black dots filled her vision. She didn't know what it felt like to swallow your own tongue, but she was pretty sure she was experiencing it right now. She couldn't stop watching him, she couldn't move, she couldn't even breathe normally. He looked like one of those perfect Greek statuses.

He stood there in the middle of the plain white set, dressed only in a pair of white Calvin Klein underwear. They rested low on his hips and she could see every single line and curve of his body. Her eyes devouring every muscle, as they flexed and relaxed while he moved around. His skin glowed and her fingers tingled to touch him.

One of the wardrobe assistants came up and stood next to her, giving her a strange look. "Are you okay? You seemed flushed" she asked

Camila brought a hand up to her cheek and looked at the other women. "Yeah, it's umm... kind of warm in here I guess" she managed to mumble out. She looked back over at Shawn, who had finally noticed she was there. He caught her gaze, and gave her slow sexy smile, the camera flash catching the moment. He winked at her and she felt her knees start to go out.

She quickly found a chair and sat down. Her eyes never leaving his.

He continued to watch her, the sexy smile still gracing his beautiful face. The photographer loved every minute of it, not realizing what had changed to make Shawn give him these intense and perfect model looks.

Her vision became tunneled and she lost her hearing when she saw him start to walk towards her, ignoring the assistant handing him a shirt. He bent down slightly, resting a hand on either armrest of the chair she was in. Bring his face level with hers, his eyes watching her. "Hi..." he said in a low voice.

Her hands gripped the sides of the chair until her knuckles turned white, his voice caused pure lust to shoot through her body. Her breath hitched and her lips parted, his eyes swept down to watch her mouth. "H-Hey..." she managed to say, but it only came out in a shaky whisper.

He was so close to her, she could feel his hot breath against her skin, a slight shiver running down her spine. She tried to concentrate by looking at the stray hair curl that fell across his forehead, but that failed miserably when he brought a hand up to her chin and tilted her head so he could look her in the eyes again. That's when breathing stopped completely.

He smiled at the way she was reacting, it was insanely sexy and made him want to throw her over his shoulder, take her to his dressing room and lock the world out for a couple of hours. He watched as her cheeks turned pink, and her tongue darted out to wet her lips. His eyes traveled down, noticing the way the pulse point in her neck quickened, making him want to attach his lips to that very spot.

He tilted her chin up so he could look her in the eye, his thumb running along her bottom lip. "If you give me a couple of minutes, I will change and then we can go..." his voice low.

All she could do was simply nod her head. He smirked at that, dropped his hand, grabbed a shirt from a nearby chair and walked away. She finally was able to take a much needed deep breath in. Her lungs burning from the lack of oxygen they had just experienced. She watched as he disappeared behind a door, she held a hand to her chest to try a steady her rapidly beating heart. When had he started to affect her this way? She wasn't blind, she knew he was ridiculously good looking, but she had always tried to keep the boundaries clearly drawn.

Her senses coming back to her some, she looked around her. No one paid her any mind; they were all busy packing up the set. She quickly slid off of the chair, steadied herself, making sure her legs were under her and made a beeline for the door he had disappeared behind.


She entered the dressing room quietly, closing and locking the door behind her. He was sitting in the middle of a couch, still in only the CK underwear. His head lay back, eyes closed, arms outstretched on either side of him. He looked an absolutely perfect picture.

With the tension increasing in her belly she walked towards him, careful not to disturb his peaceful moment. Standing in front of him, she admired how peaceful and relaxed he looked with his eyes closed, his breathing even and a warm glow covering his skin. Without even realizing it, she reached her fingers out and gently brushed the loose curl hanging down his forehead, away from his face. His eyes fluttered open and their gazes locked.

She smiled at him when his eyes opened met hers. Bringing her face down, she placed a soft kiss on his lips and that's all it took. The slow simmer that neither of them realized was cooking between them, suddenly erupted into an inferno. He grabbed both sides of her face and brought her mouth back down to his, her arms wrapping around his neck and her body coming down so she was straddling him, legs sitting on either side of his hips.

They were a clash of lips, tongues, and hands, as they tried to taste and touch everything they could. Her breathy moans filled the room and he trailed wet hot kisses down to her neck and sucked at the pulse point he had been fantasying about since she got there. The pressure was building in her belly and she ground her hips into him a little more, feeling exactly how he was responding to her. It made her feel hot, it made her feel sexy and it made her want him even more.

He ran a hand down her spine, feeling her shiver as he went, his fingers reaching the waistband of her jeans, he ran them along the smooth skin there, causing goosebumps to erupt all over her body. He quickly wrapped an arm around her waist and flipped her so her back hit the couch cushions. Their mouths never separating, her legs cradling his hips as they pressed themselves against each other.

Their lips finally parting so they could bring oxygen back into their desperately starved bodies. He brushed some of the hair away from her face, kissing the tip of her nose. Smiling down at her, he closed his eyes briefly and just breathed her into him. "We better take this somewhere else... unless we want Andrew walking in here" she chuckled at her wide-eyed expression.

They slowly disentangled themselves from each other and sat up. She combed her fingers through her long hair and looked over at him. She gave him a sinful smile, pushed her head up slightly and planted a searing kiss on his lips. "I'll go wait in the car," she said in a breathless whisper. Standing up she started to walk towards the door, she paused before opening it, shooting him a wanton look from over her shoulder, "you better not keep me waiting long" and she disappeared out of the room. It only took his brain about a half of a second to kick in, he doesn't remember ever getting dressed that quickly in his entire life.


And no I am STILL not okay. I lost count on how many times I have re-watched their performance. Not to mention all of the incredible pictures from last night, I think I cried almost all day today from all the beautiful things I saw of them.

Oh and if you haven't seen it yet, look at Camila's latest Instagram post... the girl is in love so hard!! <3 <3 <3  

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