Provoked, Pt. 2 aka The Aftermath

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You have been warned.

Oh! If you want a realllllyyyyy dirty song to go with this chapter, I mean dirtier than Christina Aguilera, then listen to: "Lick" by Joi


No sooner was he in the car and the door shut then she was on him. Dress pulled up to her waist, legs on both sides of his hips, straddling him. Her lips glued to his in an earth-shattering kiss. Her hands gripped the back of his head, her fingers running through his hair. His hands gripped onto her hips, then slowly made their way up her back, to run along her spine and to her neck. Her body was vibrating with need as she ran her tongue over his bottom lip and nibbled, begging for access. He opened to her without hesitation, taking her into his mouth, his tongue dancing her hers. She moaned into him, her hands coming around to start working the buttons of his shirt. The hand that was pressed into her back quickly found her zipper and began to pull in south, exposing hot smooth flesh as it went.

They parted briefly, to bring much need oxygen into their lungs, the air was electric around them, He then grabbed her face and drug her lips back down to his. When his lips traveled from her mouth to suck on the pulse point on her neck, her hands went limp, unable to complete the task of his shirt buttons, only able to hold his head to her neck. She moaned out his name when his tongue soothed over the small love bit left her. He pulled down the front of her dress to expose when delicious pink nipple, already hard with need. When he took it into his mouth and swirled his tongue around the hardened nub, she jolted up pulling his hair as she went. He brought a hand to her back to keep her still, to keep her on him.

He was like a drug. He was like a drug she needed in order to keep living. She was consumed by his scent, by the way his tongue felt gliding over her sensitive nipples. There was so much pent up desire inside her, she felt as if she would burst. And she almost did when his hand found its way under her dress and glided up her thigh, higher and higher until if found her core, scorching and soaked through her panties. When his fingers brushed her center, they both called out, her hips arched up and when she came back down upon him, she could feel his own, very obvious reaction to her.

They were snapped back to reality when the car stopped, and there was a sharp knock on the partition window, indicating they had arrived at the hotel. They quickly disentangled themselves from each other, and straightened their clothes, the best they could. Once outside the hotel, in the cool night air, their eyes found each other again. Bodies being drawn back together.

"Mila..." his voice but a hushed whisper.

She looked at him from under her lashes and gave him a sly half-smile. She walked up to him, pressed her body against his, brought her hand up to the side of his face, gave him another searing kiss. Pulling away, she murmured against his lips "I'm going to need your lips, for something other than talking." She then spun around and slowly sauntered into the hotel and to the elevators. It took him a half a beat longer to steady himself and quickly chase after her.

As soon as he got to her, the elevator doors opened. They both walked into the small space, their bodies a few inches apart, they stared at each other. At the exact moment they heard the soft click of the doors closing, he surged towards her and pinned her against the wall of the elevator. His lips attaching themselves to her neck, her hands gripping his hair.

Hearing the ding of their floor arrival, she pushed him off her, flipped her hair back, and sauntered out of the elevator, giving him a moment to be able to walk after her.

He caught up to here as she was retrieving the hotel key from her cleavage. He invaded her space, pressing himself into her back, causing her to bump into the door. She smiled as she struggled with the key, distracted by his lips on her neck, and his hands running up her stomach.

The door finally unlocking, she pushed the door wide open, spun around and grabbed the collar of his shirt, dragging him into the room with her. He kicked the door closed as they went. Their lips devouring each other, they were a frenzy of hands as they stripped each other of every stitch of clothing.

Falling naked onto the bed, he peppered kisses down her jawline, over her collar bone, and across her breasts. Giving them much deserved attention, eliciting the most delicious sounds from her.

She locked her arms and legs around him and flipped them over, so she was now straddling him. She leaned forward her hair falling in a curtain around them. She ran her hands up his chest, over his arms and laced her fingers with his. Bringing their joined hands over his head. She brought her lips down to his, at the same moment she positioned herself over his hard length. She smirked against his lips and paused her movements.

"I hope this helps clear up and questions you had about what" kiss "this" kiss "is" and she whispered. He untangled their hands and flipped them back over. He ran a hand down the entire length of her body, listening to the way she practically purred with pleasure from his touch.

He hooked a hand behind her knee, bringing it up. He smirked down at her, and then in one swift motion, he was inside of her. She sucked in a breath and the sudden movement but locked her arms around him. He placed hot, open-mouthed kisses across her chest and collar bone, finally making his way up to her lips. Their tongues danced as they drank each other in.

He pulled back, just enough to look at her. No words needed between them, she grabbed his face and pulled him back down to her. He moved his hips and showed her just how sure he was.


Well now that, that part is done I'm gonna go stick my head in the freezer and cool off. 

I hope you all enjoy this part, I hope it helps get us through this Shawmila drought. Its gonna be a tough one. 

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