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A/N: Thank the Shawmila gods they are back together AND that Shawn is in fact, still alive after all of those pictures and videos of her dance rehearsal were posted. I was legit worried for a minute.

I got stuck with two other stories, took a break, went down a baby Shawmila hole on youtube. This ides seemed funny and cute in my head.

Also, emba91 spammed me with Toronto content, so we will see what happens from that!


Consciousness slowly came back to her. Her head was pounding, her mouth dry. She slowly opened her eyes, the light from coming from her bedroom window offending her delicate senses. What had happened last night? She realized then she wasn't alone in her bed, she moved her head to look and discovered she was laying on him. Her head on his bare chest above his heart, her arm thrown over his waist, their legs tangled together. He had an arm securely around her waist. Her eyes traveled down his toned chest and she sighed in relief that she still had her... well, his, oversized hoodie on. She needed to pee or find Tylenol, or both. She slowly started to disentangle herself from him, already missing his body heat. She scooted to the edge of the bed and tenderly placed her feet on the cold floor, a wave of nausea rolling through her she took a slow breath in.

The bed shifted behind her, she looked over her shoulder to see him move onto his side, his eyes slowly opening, blinking against the offending light. She turned in place to face him, half sitting on the edge of the bed. "How are you feeling?" she whispered and even then, hearing her own voice was an assault on her tender head.

He groaned a little, scrubbed a hand over his face and looked at her "like shit, why did you make me drink all that vodka?" a teasing smile crossing his lips. He ran a hand down her arm, and he laced his fingers with hers, the familiar pressure starting to build in his gut.

She looked at him mocking shock, "You are the one that decided to open the bottle in the first place" she teased back. Getting up from the bed then, walking slowly away, her hand falling away from his. She wasn't sure if the hum of her body was from the hangover, or from the feel of his fingers brushing over her hand.

She went in search of the headache medicine. Once standing she was a bit dizzy, she slowly made her way to the kitchen and saw not one but two empty bottles of vodka sitting there. Well shit. She grabbed the bottle of Tylenol and two bottles of water before heading back into her room.

He was sitting up now, his hair sticking up everywhere, he watched as she came back into the room. Even in the miserable state of a hangover, she looked amazing. She wore his shirt, which was far too big for her and hung off of one shoulder. His eyes traveled down the length of her, admiring her smooth legs and the way her skin seemed to glow in the early morning light. She climbed up on the bed to sit next to him, handing him a couple of red pills and a bottle of water. The water felt incredible washing down his dry throat. Capping the bottle and sitting next to him, his eyes on her once again.

"Do you remember anything from last night?" he asked her. Watching the way her breath caught as his eyes roamed over her.

"All I remember is coming here after we left the set, having dinner and then we decided to have shots and play cards... I don't remember much after we finished the first bottle and I beat you at slapjack" taking another drink of water. She looked over at him and he had a look of utter shock on his face, his eyes fixed to the side of her neck. She brought her hand up to her collar bone, her eyes searching his face for some clue as to what he was staring at.

"What is it? What are you looking at?" worry filtering into her voice. Her eyes wide as she watched his movements.

He brought a finger up, and touched her neck, right at her pulse point. It caused her to suck in a breath and bring her fingers to cover his and he traced whatever it was on her neck. Her eyes met his, and he had a dark lustful look on his face. All of a sudden, the memory came flooding back to her from the night before.

**Her jumping up in victory over winning a silly card game, him handing her yet another shot. Then they were dancing, in a way that had their bodies pressed up against each other, her arms going around his neck, his hands resting on her hips. The tension in the air almost at a breaking point. Another shot, and as soon as that one was finished, the air snapped around them and they crashed into each other, their lips seeking and their tongues exploring. She had run her hands under his shirt, and he had attached his lips to her neck, sucking and nipping at her pulse point. **

She closed her eyes against the memory but kept their hand together and pressed into her neck. She felt as he brought his other hand to the side of her face, running his thumb over her lips and across her cheek.

She opened her eyes and their gazes locked, the tension from the previous night returning instantly. She took a breath in, hoping that would help the dizzy feeling, her headache finally dulling. "Do you remember?" she asked him in a whisper, she caught her bottom lip between her teeth and gently rolled it. The way he was watching her and the way his fingers felt on her skin, was making it harder and harder to continue to breathe properly.

He kept his gaze locked with hers and simply nodded his head, yes. She scooted closer to him, their faces inches away. His hands still cradling her face, her hands slowly running up his chest and wrapping around his neck. He leaned his forehead against hers, a shy smile on his lips. "I think we should continue where we left off last night..." he hummed out before waiting a beat and then crashing his lips with hers. She gripped his neck, pulling him closer to her. His hands left her face and he gripped her hips, pulling her towards him.

She climbed onto him, her legs going on either side of his hips. He snaked an arm around her waist to hold her against him. The hand at her back going under the shirt and tracing the waistband of her panties, causing her to break from their kiss and a wanton moan to escape her lips. He placed hot kissed down her jawline and over the spot he had already marked. He smiled against her skin and placed a gentle kiss on it.

Her fingers had found their way to the back of his head and were wound around his hair. Her breath hot and needy against the side of his face. His hands found the bottom of her shirt and quickly removed it, admiring her perfection sitting before him. Letting his hands roam up her back, he leaned forward and captured her lips, this kiss was different, this kiss wasn't desperate or full of need. He took his time with this kiss.

It scared her to name the feeling, the emotion he caused within her. She didn't know if she was ready to face it yet, but she did know that she wanted him and had always wanted him. Their kiss broke and she pulled back slightly, looking deep into his eyes, a hand on the side of his face, her thumb brushing over his cheek.

She smiled at him, "What did I do to deserve you?" she asked quietly. If this was another one of her weird dreams, she never wanted to wake up.

He gently shook his head, a true and happy smile on his face. He leaned forward and kissed her gently. "You simply existed."

This was the best time they had ever had with a hangover.


WHY are they so cute?? Also if you haven't seen the video of them walking to the car with those masks on... you should. It's hilarious!

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