Missing Piece

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A/N: So nope, still not recovered from the VMAs, probably never will be. On a side note, I'm gonna need them both to find some chill, they were SUPER active on social media and my heart could barely take it. 

WARNING: This one is a little emo and a little heart ache-y

HIGHLY recommend listening to "If You're Not the One" by Daniel Bedingfield


Sinu sat at the foot of the bed and watched her daughter sleep. The early morning light illuminating the hotel room. Her hair was a mass around her head, and she was curled around the pillow that she held tightly to her petite frame. A light pink blush covered her cheeks, and she looked at peace.

She smiled, thinking of how her daughter's life had turned upside down the last couple of months when she and Shawn released their new song.

Shawn. Oh, how Sinu loved that boy. He had been the one consistent person in her daughter's life since this whole thing started. They were always, without a doubt, without hesitation there for each other. She knew they had been in love with each other from the start, there was no question about that. The fact that they both kept such a close bond, through various relationships and changes in their careers. They were always there for each other, no matter what.

It brought the older women a sense of calm and sheer joy when she saw the shift in their relationship, right after they recorded the song. The way they loved each other was pure and they did it with their entire hearts. She and never seen her daughter this content in a relationship before.

Her thoughts were brought back to the sleeping form in front of her when she felt Camila shift and mumble in her sleep. She smiled and gently shook her daughters' shoulder, "Camila... Camila, it's time to wake up"


She felt her mom shake her arm and call her name, bringing her out of a fantastic dream she was having about him. Her eyes fluttered open, she lifted her head up off the pillow slightly and looked around her room. She saw her mom, who simply leaned over and patted her cheek.

"He is already gone mija" she said to her softly. Getting up and going to find her daughter's breakfast.

With those few little words, she could feel her chest ache. She lay her head back down and hugged the pillow to her a little bit tighter. Squeezing her eyes shut, she took a deep breath, but the hollowness only grew. The emptiness only seemed to grow bigger every time they were apart.

She reached over and took her phone off of the nightstand. Unlocking it and opening her iMessage's. There was one from him. She couldn't control the small smile that graced her lips and clicked his name.

I was thinking of how beautiful you are, and replaying parts of the night in my head, thinking about the next time we get to see each other, and about how happy I am that you are mine <3

She could feel tears stinging her eyes, and her heart expand in her chest. He made her entire world make sense, she felt safe, she felt settled.

But oh, how she missed him when they had to leave each other. The ache she felt was like no other she had ever experienced. It wasn't until him, that she understood those people who talked about soulmates. She didn't know there was a piece of her missing until she met him.

Breaking her thoughts, her thumbs moved quickly over the keyboard as she typed out her response.

I miss you more every day, and even though I am one day closer to the day we meet again. I miss you, all the same, <3 <3

With a heavy sigh, she plopped her phone down on the bed beside her and snuggled into her pillow. Her mom came back into the room, banana in hand and sat next to her. She gently brushed her hair away from her face and saw the tears that started to fall from her lashes.

"Camila... " she called to her, a drop of worry in her tone. Her daughter looked up at her with tear-filled eyes and gave her a sad smile.

"I miss him, mama," she said softly, gently brushing away some of the tears, that slowly made their way down her cheek. "It hurts..." she said, as she pressed her hand to her chest.

"Oh niña..." Sinu sighed, smiling down at her daughter. "Love isn't always kind, but the pain you feel... that's your heart missing its other half" looking at her from over the rim of her glasses. "Come on," Sinu said to the younger girl, patting her butt. "Let's get dressed."


Awhile later, Camila sat on the couch in the living area of her hotel suite, her mom had gone out on errands. Her mood had been lifted some when he had FaceTimed with her, blowing her kisses and making her blush with the ridiculously sweet things he said to her.

But now that ache in her chest was back. She tried to distract herself by watching some of the performances that she missed at last night's show. It was no use, her thoughts kept going right back to focus on him. She lay a hand over her heart and tried to calm its beat, closing her eyes and focusing on her breathing. She knew she shouldn't miss him this much, she shouldn't need him this much, but she didn't seem to have control over what her heart wanted any longer.

The ding of her phone brought her out of her thoughts. She set her laptop down on the table in front of her, picking up her phone as she sat back into the couch. There was a message from Shawn. A smile immediately crossed her face and she clicked the message bubble. It opened up to show a voice memo from him, her heartbeat sped up and her thumb hovered over the play button. On the next blink of her lashes, she hit play, bringing the phone's speaker up to her ear.

She heard the light strum of his guitar and then he started to sing.

'Cause I miss you body and soul so strong that it takes my breath away,
And I breathe you into my heart and pray for the strength to stand today,
'Cause I love you, whether it's wrong or right,
And though I can't be with you tonight,
You know my heart is by your side

I don't want to run away but I can't take it,
I don't understand,
If I'm not made for you then why does my heart tell me that I am?
Is there any way I can stay in your arms?

I love you

Tears streamed down her face, but a smile spread across her lips. The ache in her chest moving down to settle in her belly. She wrapped her arms around herself and listen to the recording again and again. She could never get tired of listening to him. Whether he was singing, talking, humming, it didn't matter. The sound of his voice washed over her, calming her erratic heartbeat and extinguishing any anxiety that had built up.

When Sinu returned she found her daughter lying in the bed once again. This time she had her phone laying on the pillow next to her, her finger tapping the screen every minute or so, to replay the same recording of him over and over again. Her eyes closed, a tear escaping every now and then. She walked over and kissed her daughter on the forehead, running a hand over her hair, then turned and walked back out.

Much later, after her phone battery had finally died, Camila lay there humming to herself. Trying to fill the Shawn sized hole left in her heart. 


My heart needed to get this one out. sorry not sorry. The photo is not mine, found it on IG yesterday and it made me burst into tears.

Imma go cry in the corner by myself now.

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