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A/N: Hey everyone! It's me! I missed you all, here is a new story for you.

If you want to follow me on social... Twitter & IG: fanficwriter85     

BTW- Welcome to Emo hours.


She was emotionally exhausted; she didn't know what hurt more, her head or her heart. She peeled her jacket off, tossing it on the couch as he made her way to her bedroom. As tired as she was, she knew she wouldn't sleep. No matter how hard she tried, every thought she had was of him. It tortured her, to be this in love with someone that wasn't hers.

She made her way into her room, flicking on the light as she went. She closed her eyes, rubbing her sore neck and sat on the edge of her bed. That's when she saw it. A small brown package tied neatly with a red ribbon. She carefully picked it up, turning it over in her hands. There was nothing to indicate who it was from.

She placed the package on her lap, and carefully undid the ribbon and pulled the pieces of the thick brown wrapping away. Inside was a well-worn brown journal, the letter S carefully engraved into the material. She traced over it with the tip of her finger, enjoying the feeling of the worn material. He noticed then a small piece of paper sticking out of the top of the journal. She slowly removed it, setting the journal down beside her she unfolded the note.

She felt her heart drop into her belly when she saw his familiar writing. She felt heat rush into her cheeks, and everything started to tingle. He wasn't even here, and she hadn't even read the note yet, but her body reacted as if he was standing right in front of her.

She swallowed the lump in her throat and focused her eyes on the small piece of paper she held in her hand. When she read it, she stopped breathing.

You need to know all of it. Everything. It's always been you.

She read to over and over again until the tears in her eyes made it impossible to see anymore. The note fell from her hands as she closed her eyes and let the wave of emotion wash over her. She wiped the tears away and sucked in a shaky breath. She looked over at the journal, deciding if she was brave enough to actually open it and see what he wanted her to know.

Her hands shook and she picked it up, then pushed herself back on the bed, resting against the pillows. Her fingers still shaking, she carefully opened the cover of the journal, and there on the first page was a picture of a sunflower, with the letter C in the center of it. She felt the fresh tears come streaking down her face. On a ragged breath, she turned the page.

Her eyes swept over the page as she read the words, written out in his familiar handwriting.

Throughout life you will meet one person who is unlike any other. You could talk to the person for hours and never get bored, you could tell them things and they wont judge you. This person is your soulmate, your best friends. Don't ever let them go.

She couldn't catch her breath; her chest burned every time she tried to intake air. She didn't care that tears were falling from her face and onto the page. She tried to wipe them away but more came. She re-read that first page again, her heart clenching every time her eyes roamed over the word soulmate.

She quietly turned the page but wasn't prepared for what she found there. It was a polaroid picture of them hugging from her tour last year. They were wrapped around each other, her hands gripping onto his hoodie, her face buried into his chest. She closed her eyes against the memory, as it flooded back to her. She remembered his scent and how she felt having him wrapped around her like that. She remembered the way her mom looked at her after he had left. Knowing full well that Camila was still desperately in love with the much taller boy.

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