Surprise Duet

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A/N: Okay... WITHOUT crying (I was totally NOT crying). Can we just talk about the ridiculously cute photos from today... oh my poor Shawmila heart. They will be my cause of death.

Now I am all soft and squishy, so I wrote this story... I hope you all like it.

Song: "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur


"James!" he called to the other musician. Reaching out to shake his hand. "Thank you so much for doing this. I really appreciate it"

James smiled at the younger singer, patting him on the shoulder. "Hey, it's no problem! It's about time you did something like this." He laughed. "She doesn't know anything, so you should be good to go"

Shawn blushed, thanked the other singer again and headed off to the opposite end of the stage. If this was going to work the way he wanted, she couldn't know he was there, until he was ready for her to know. He could feel the nerves and tension build in his gut, he gripped the neck of his guitar and little tighter. He smiled to himself, as he heard her humming through his in ears. She was perfect.


She fidgeted with the sleeves of her jacket. She was nervous, she only had performed with Fifth harmony or Shawn, but this song was amazing, and she was so flattered that James Arthur had asked her to duet with him at this event. Shawn was supposed to be here somewhere, but she hadn't seen him, and he hadn't answered her text yet, she could really use his support right about now. He always had a way of making her feel calm, always telling her how incredible she was, but she had a feeling he was just saying that. Her stomach flipped as the event assistant told her it was time.

"Please welcome James Arthur and Camila Cabello!" she heard announced to the entire auditorium. She heard the band start up and the soft strumming of the guitar from James, she was supposed to walk out and meet him at the end of the stage. Taking a deep breath, she walked out and was immediately hit with the cheers and screams from the crowd.

She made her way out, letting the music wash over her. Her eyes swept over the crowd and she smiled, watching as they raised their phone flashlights up, moving to the music. Her eyes moved to the figure standing in front of her, his back to her. As she moved closer, she realized that this was not James. This person was taller, hair was shorter, and then she caught a glimpse of his right hand and everything stopped.

He could feel her eyes burning into his back, the air around them becoming impossibly thick. He smiled coyly causing the crowd to scream even louder. He looked over as she came up next to him, her eyes wide, cheeks pink and lips slightly parted. He had to stop himself from staring too hard and remember why he was there. Giving her a wink, he started the song.


I met you in the dark, you lit me up
You made me feel as though I was enough

She was finding it extremely hard to breathe, how was he here right now? How was he the one she was supposed to sing this ridiculously romantic song with? His eyes fixed on her and he smiled, she almost melted into the floor. Her heart, felt like it was going to beat right out of her chest.


We danced the night away, we drank too much
I held your hair back when
You were throwing up

She gripped the mic with both hands, her knuckles turning white. Her eyes dropped down to watch his lips, and the way they wrapped around each word.

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