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"I swear I've become part penguin since I got pregnant." Trinity complained as she waddled to the cafeteria.

"And I swear if your still going to school next week Im gonna put you on house arrest." Sarah commented.

"Um Sarah? You already did that." Trinity said sarcastically.

"Huh? Oh right... Yeah well your only two and a half months away from your due date so I have a even better reason to!" Sarah retorted.

"Touché... Wait did you say two and a half months?" Trinity said stopping to turn to look at her aunt/friend.

"Yeah why?" Sarah said confused.

"Sarah its only a month and a half away. Not two and a half. " Trinity said resuming on her path to lunch.

"EVEN MORE REASON YOU SHOULDNT BE HERE!" Sarah shouted startling a few other people in the hallway.

"No it just means that I gotta get more ahead then I already am. In a few weeks I wont be able to do any school work. What am I gonna do then? I cant fail my second year of high school Sarah. After I have the twins Im gonna be super busy and sore. Even with your moms yours and the guys help its still going to primarily fall on my shoulders since I am their mother."

"I know I just don't want you to over exert yourself or anything." Sarah sighed in defeat.

"You know its kinda funny..." Trinity said smiling softly.

"What is?"

"Well remember before Cas- my Mom woke up and I found out about everything I was already planning on having my kids call you auntie Sarah and call your mom grams since you've always felt like family to me... And now I know that its because you are my family. And its funny cause you are mine and the twins' auntie Sarah and your mom is Grams." Trinity said giggling at the irony.

"Oh mah gawd your so right!" Sarah said with a chuckle before adding seriously, "Again I'm really sorry that I couldn't tell you..."

"Seriously Sarah? We were having a normal happy conversation where we laugh about stupid shit and you had to go and apologize for something you still couldn't control? Really? I already told you its fine. It wasnt your secret to tell and you where just trying to protect me from the knowledge that my mother wasnt even able to have a good life without me in it. I get it Sarah so stop trying to make up for nothing." Trinity said taking Sarahs hand as the reached the line for food.

"LESBIANS!" Somebody yelled across the cafeteria.

"HOMOPHOBIC IDIOT!" Trinity shouted as Sarah shouted, "WE'RE RELATED DUMB ASS!"

Both of these responses resulted in thundurus laughter and ohhhhh's from the rest of the cafeteria.

"Bitches." The same person muttered.


"Damn girl. Clap back!" Sarah cheered.

"I... " She started smiling but then she suddenly became dizzy and muttered "I need to sit down and eat."

"Here sit down and I'll go get your food okay?" Sarah said pulling out a chair at the nearest open table.

"Im sorry Sarah..." Trinity sighed.

"Its fine sugar. Ill be right back."


"Im trying to not use to much energy." Trinity whined as Sarah and Trevor fussed over her.

"Thats the freaking point! You get tired so easily! You should be on maturity leave from school or something!" Trevor said with his hands on his hips.

"Or something..."

"Look Trin, we just want to make sure your okay. We dont want anything bad to happen to you or the twins." Sarah said gently.

"And Im just trying to not be such a burden all the time. Though on a side note I'm also trying to figure out why Trevor has been acting so weird lately..." Trinity said trailing off in thought.

"Im pretty sure you'll never figure it out." Trevor said bluntly.

"Well I mean I found out so how hard can it be?" Sarah said poking Trevors shoulder.

" you know whats up with him and I dont? But I thought you guys hated each other! And now yall are leaving me out of the loop? How rude!" Trinity exclaimed with a major pout appearing on her face.

"He didnt tell me and I didnt find out on purpose either." Sarah grumbled. "Though it was a shocking sight to walk into when I was going to one of my usual make out spots and I walk in and see-" she was cut off  by Trevors hand suddenly covering her mouth.

"Shut up!" He snapped but something in his voice caught Trinity off guard.

"Wait so she caught you making out with someone?" She asked ignoring what her mind was telling her.


"Whos the lucky girl? Do I know her? Is she hot?" Trinity questioned not being able to ignore her instincts any longer when he flinched every time she used a feminine pro-noun.

"Oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my gawd, oh my freaking gawd! Your gay now aren't you?!" She questioned excitedly.

"Ohhh kaaaayyy I was wrong. Very very very wrong... She guessed it pretty easily. Although you helped her out quite a bit Sarah." He said sending the older girl a quick glare. "But no not exactly Trinity. Im bi."

"Really? Me to!" She exclaimed grinning and slowly sitting up.

"What?" Trevor asked looking to Sarah for confirmation.

"Remember when she said you where her first boyfriend?" Sarah said with a smirk.


"Well you weren't her first relationship. She had exactly three girlfriends. Though those didnt really work out well cause by the end of it all three had either cheated on her with guys or just decided that they where actually straight." Sarah explained.

"Yup!" Trinity confirmed.

"Wow. Why did I not know this?" Trevor asked sounding annoyed.

"It didn't seem relevant to the situation I guess." Trinity said with a shrug. "You didnt honestly think I just instinctively knew how to kiss like that did you?" She added giggling at the blush that appeared on his face.

"Well I mean how was I supposed to know?" He asked avoiding eye contact.

"You right. Now get me out of this nurses office! I have class!" Trinity said shaking her fist in the air.

"No you dont."

"What? What do you mean by that?" Trinity asked tilting her head slightly.

"Schools already over for the day." Sarah said grabbing her bag.

"Oh... Then get me out of this hell hole!" She corrected holding her stomach as she stood reaching out and grabbing Trevors shoulder for balance.

"Lets go my bitches!" She said giggling as she waddled forward.

"Yes Mrs. Baby Mama!" Trevor and Sarah said in unison.

"Oh speaking of the babies have you found out their genders yet?" Trevor asked as they walked out of the school.

"No, but I'm positive that its gonna be a girl and a boy. Even though it might be a bit earlier then I wanted its what I always wanted in a family."

"Well we will see for ourselves soon wont we?" Sarah commented happily.


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