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Tanoshi pov
Kurutta ran off it's not like him so I followed him worried I make it to the door outside but I here something I turn the corner and see a villain I know this because they don't go to UA and 'I don't want to be rude' they look like a villain I hide behind the lockers and listen in "yes I'm in now tell me we're to go.....yes understood" he starts to walk towards me 'damit' I try to look for somewhere to hid and I see it and go in I here him walk away so I get out of the garbage can 'I'm going to smell bad for at lest a week' I fallow close behind him to a room it said principal's office on the door a bright light comes from his hand then the door locked 'this is bad really bad' Aizawa sensei is always in the class room or the teachers lounge at lunch but if I go to class he might not be there so if I gi to the teachers lounge he might be in the class room right now I'm alone the villain walks out with papers in hand I can see some of the text on it 'students with powerful quirks Bakugo, Todoroki, Momo, Kuru—" I cant see anything els that's on the papers but I know that Kurutta's on there it's the first 4 letters of his name "got it boss....yes...yes..on my way" the villain starts walking away 'I can't have him get away my class mates might be in danger' I jump in front of the villain and start running 'this better work' the villain runs after me light comes from his hands I can feel his cut my leg so I look down there's blood coming from my leg it hurts but I keep running "make this easy for your self and stop!" I don't listen and keep running he's getting closer to the point he's right behind me so I turn and duck under his hand so I grab the papers and run for my life trying not to get hit by there quirk but I failed a bunch of times so there's cuts all over my body 'just a little further' I tell my self turning the corner and seeing the teachers lounge door "shit!" The villain said probably finally understanding what I, doing so he speeds up to right beside me and knocks me to the wall I do drop the papers all over the floor but I am close enough for the teachers to here me so I start to scream "HELP SOMEONE PLEASE" the villain punched me in the mouth and my nose starts to bleed "HELP!" The villain punched me right into the wall and I black out.

Aizawa pov
I'm sitting eating my lunch with Yamada just talking nonsense to me "and that's why birds can fly" I turn to Yamada questioning why I'm friends with him "Yamada what the fu-" "HELP!" we jump up and run to the door wiping it open "Tanoshi" I whisper to my self he's covered in blood on the floor knocked out with papers all over the floor and a villain holding him over the shoulder "LET HIM GO" I yell running with Yamada right beside me I activated my quirk so he won't have much of a upper hand but he still has Tanoshi I try to kick and punch the villain but he keeps putting poor Tanoshi in front some more teachers run in 'Yamada must have called in for help' I think to my self calming down a bit since now I have back up we try to take him down but a black purple ish portal opens up and he jumps through I grab Tanoshi with my scarf and pull him off before the portal closes "sweep the area make sure no other villains are here I'm taking Tanoshi to recovery girl" I say picking him up bridal stile running down the hall way "Aizawa why are you here.. oh what happened to Tanoshi come come put him down on a bed!" I do as she says and sit down getting a better look at him his nose is bleeding and he a lot of cuts 'poor boy what the he'll happened' I think to my self "Aizawa start talking" recovery girl says worried as she starts rapping and paching him up.

At the W.E base (World Enders my villain team)
I got some of the paperwork you wanted boss a low level villain says into the darkness "some?" The low level villain looks a bit scared at how the person said that "there was this kid who stoped me from getting all of it then hero's came sorry boss" the darkness came out more and basically swallowed the low level villain all you could here was screams of pain then just bones and blood with papers on top "I don't accept failure now let's see what he did get me" a hand came from the darkness and grabbed the papers "perfect... Kazoku!" A person comes from the corner of the room in front of the bones "yes master" "I need you to do something for me"....

I hope you like this chapter Kazoku in Japanese means family that's how I got the name for this character. World Enders are the name of my villains group but I'm going to be putting W.E for short if you have character ideas for my group you can comment them if you like. And about Kazoku's qurik all will be revealed in time so have fun thinking.

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