Chp 45- Saved

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Neddy's POV


I sat on the cold floor feeling even more used than I ever felt. Hades came in here every day just to sit on a chair and tell me random things that I barely knew and sometimes used me... sexually because I was seen as his host.

I didn't know how long I sat here but I felt such hunger that I didn't know how to say it out loud. A few pieces of bread where served to me but that was such a small amount I couldn't fully take in enough nutrition. Not that it mattered anyway.

I sat up slowly ignoring the throbbing pain that ran through my back as I wept in my hands ignoring how my glasses that were cracked by Hades but before I could fall asleep after my pity party the metal door opened which made me wake up instantly.

"Neddy please tell me you didn't lose hope." He said.

I kept quiet as I ignored the sound of the wooden chair being moved in the middle of the room before a sign broke through.

"You look so sexy with your broken glasses and that bruising eye that I am starting to get turned on." He said "but you're probably in pain."

I didn't say anything.

"Look at me neddy Smith." He ordered but my eyes refused to look up. I didn't want to see the eyes of the person who raped me and emotionally destroyed me. My real mother was dead because of him and my step-mom actually loved me but accepted Hades's bribe to turtore me just so he could be prince charming. He destroyed almost everything I knew as a beautiful thing just because he didn't like that his heart fell for me. He touched me many times that I started thinking that every hand on me was personally hurtful.

"LOOK. AT. ME" he snapped angrily making me flinch and look at him as my eyes watered.

"This is all your damn fault!! That I loved you..I just wanted you to depend on me so I got a new look and told everyone Hades was dead. I am trying to be Jonathan to you, sweet and kind!!" He screamed before shaking his head angrily " but noooo you had to be a whoring Nerd and fucking loved and touched a python. I saw all your episodes in School, the day she bought you from her fancy car and how you left nicely with her in the orphanage!!!!!"

I swallowed but kept quiet as his veins popped while he walked dangerously close.

"You enjoyed her kiss!! While I suffered and did handjobs thinking about your tight perky ass!!!... Well tomorrow you're getting the tatto since you're already claimed by me.." he slapped me so hard I felt myself taste my blood as it flowed through my lips.

"You are mine forever and!!--" he stopped his rant when the metal door opened and in came Cora who was know wearing some kind of armor with her hair in a ponytail.

"My king... apparently we are surrounded by pythons and um.." she said nervously looking outside the door.

"Um what?!" Hades demanded and Cora flinched.

"We...we lost the triplets and they are countinusly coming... and they are at the second floor as we speak. It's war outside."

I briefly wondered who is this They, they keep mentioning.

Hades cursed before turning to me and kissing me as hard as possible while I sat there emotionless.

"I won't lose you." He whispered before he left with Cora but I just  layed my head on the mattress before wiping at my mouth in hopes to remove the sensation of his lips and the blood.

It didn't matter anyway. Pearl coming was know a forgotten statement. I suddenly heard painful gunshots and grunting including screams that made me stare at the door boredly. I didn't care because I was tired and had deprived myself of sleep as I was tired of Hades's mysterious attacks.

Finally it stopped and something hit the metal door so hard that it echoed inside the room along with a groan. It remained quiet for a few minutes before the door creaked so hard it flew right open along with Hades's body that came flying. I quickly scrambled for the blanket still trying to control my shock.

Kieran came inside the room before looking around and his eyes landed on me. He looked scary at the moment, his head high and a huge ass military outfit along with bloody marks.

"Ain't you a clever little scorpion." He said camly turning to Hades who was currently on his knees.

Hades tried to stand up from the floor with a broken nose and blood coming down the side of his cheek as his mouth opened but before he could respond Kieran had him on the floor with a knife near his neck.

"They'll come for you, and kill you just because....." Hades started with fear present in his eyes but Kieran punched him straight at his nose making him grunt.

"Look only I am allowed to hurt my idiotic family... Pearl didn't sleep or eat because of you. She is as skinny as her host which you never claimed." Kieran sneered before pressing the knife straight at his neck moving it so hard that blood oozed out like a flood with Hades shocking on his blood before he grabbed at Kieran's wraist to stop him but Kieran was much stronger and heavier.

"Now am going to cut off your head and put it on my office. Only I hurt my family..only me." He said pressing the knife harder. I watched unmoving since my body could not move, I watched as Hades's eyes rolled along with his squirming body but Kieran continued cutting regardless of the huge amount of blood and Hades's eyes rolling at the back of his head. He didn't stop until he grabbed his hair and held the head high making me get a view of a throat and I vomited finding the strength to stand up.

Kieran didn't care as he stared at the head.

"OmG!!! Neddy!!!" I heard two voices shout before a lavander scent invaded my nose making me look up. And she was as glorious as the daylight regardless of my broken glasses. She had bags under her eyes and her outfit was bloody before she dropped something running to me in panick.

I blinked rapidly to make sure I wasn't dreaming.

"Grab lover boy so we could leave." Kieran ordered and i felt myself being picked up before a slight breeze slapped my skin so I pulled the blankets around me more tighter. I got a view of people who looked familiar somehow but they were bloody and dead along with guns everywhere.

I just looked trying to wrap my head around what I saw. I inhaled the sweet air before looking around again and shockingly catching a view of the orphanage.

"Good Stephanie here... Steven and David." Kieran's voice said.

"Kieran we were fighting outside and finished quicker than y'all... and omg neddy." Stephanie whispered.

"Whatever his here and so are a few warrior pythons, the rest will just have to die." Kieran deadpanned.

"What?!" A mixture of voices said.

"I planted a fucking bomb... Now watch as I make this fucking building disappear."

Then a huge boom sound came through along with the smell of smoke. I was pulled on a chest so I looked at Pearl who had tears and Blossom who was already crying.

"Neddy." Pearl whispered.

"My dear." Blossom said painfully.

Saved.... I was finally saved.

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