Chapter 1

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          I'm going to die. They're trying to kill me. Staring at the utter blasphemy that is supposed to be my schedule I simply sat in the nearly empty cafeteria, shocked at the realization of what I would have to endure. I'll die. I'll really actually die. Sixteen classes a day, twelve hours a day, six days a week; Not including the mandatory hour and a half self-study? This is murder.

         I've already been told what the self-study was supposed to be about but come on... They expect us to learn about our classes all on our own? They seriously can't just teach us in one of the millions of classes? Plus they offer extracurricular study sessions that aren't even during the day! They know you'll need to skip sleep for them!

       I think I'm going to cry. I'm only a first-year and it's common knowledge that with the years it got worse. I mean, this is the school for war class leads, they send off soldiers so well rounded they could fall into masters of everything, the dropout rate was, however, unrealistically high. And my parents worked tooth and nail to get me here so I had a chance at surviving the battlefield. Meaning I couldn't show my face to them if I dropped out, let alone high society.

       This leaves me with only one option. Death. I've had a good life. I don't have many regrets. I've accepted my death. I admit defeat Dragon Valley. Never would I have thought, of all things, I would die so willingly, by the hand of a school.

        With a heavy sigh, my inner panic having distracted me from my surroundings, I grabbed one of the many trays before me, the stack so high that I wasn't sure if there was even an end to it. I was, unfortunately, awoken by the cruelty called the sun this morning, despite it being the last day I had left before I was actively worked to death.

       I was supposed to get up anyway but... Sleep. The one true god, the only being I would bow before, graveling at its feet like the insect I am at the sight of such a miraculous existence.

       What was I talking about? Right, right, as a first-year I'm supposed to wander around and figure out the school's layout. So I get to class... Squinting at my schedule, the words on it were like that of a foreign language. This is the common tongue, right? Not some trick to put me off?

        What the blazen does hoplology mean? What's up with astrology? Why am I studying something like that? That has nothing to do with war. And why is it so different every day? Are they trying to screw over my memory? Are you sure this isn't blazen? Maybe the pit?

        My attention fell at the man who slapped something suspiciously similar to that of a chunk of freaking compacted charcoal on my tray, I kinda just stared at it before looking at him and back to it. Am I supposed to eat that? Heavily startled by the only reason he'd give it to me I was forced along, the line behind me long and full of tired first years. Not another year in sight.

        Did we miss them? Are we early? Is this more mind tricks?!

         With a defeated sigh I sat down at an empty table, most being empty and all, and looked at the plate. It can't be that bad, can it? It can. I repeat, it can. Gagging as it flaked and crumble under the slightest bit of pressure, the taste was worse than rotten fish with the texture of burnt chalk.

        The feeling was leaving as fast as the taste, which, just so you know, wasn't leaving in the slightest. Grabbing the impossible amount of water I tried to drown the horrible taste away only to cough and hack as it made it worse. I hate this place. I hate this pace. I hate this place.

        Groaning loudly I put my head on the edge of the table, my tongue stuck out in a sad attempt of getting rid of both the feeling and flavor. No sleep? No food? How is this legal?! This is cruel and unusual punishment! Were they mad that I was a glass mage? Is that what it was? This is my punishment?

        While I was wallowing in self-pity the floor started to shake. Literally quaking. Looking up while wiping my teary eyes, not expecting an earthquake, I was greeted with a stampede of older kids, pushing and shoving as the feral animals raced to get the horrible atrocity they called food. Shouts and quite literal growls filled the once quiet cafeteria.

       One of the vultures honing in on me as I stilled, rushing over at an impossible speed his hands slammed into the still empty table. "Ya' done with that?" The dwarf asked his sharp gaze on the horror that was supposed to be my breakfast. I barely managed a nod before he was shoving it in his goblet and finishing my water, running off just as fast. What just...?

       Glancing around I found others being preyed on, the stampede over nearly as fast as it started, leaving us poor newcomers at a loss for what just happened. It took a few minutes for me to recover from that shock but I grabbed the empty tray and put it with the others, heavily confused and mildly terrified.

       Running my hand through my hair I shook my head gently, forcing the newfound memory deep down, the horror not to be talked about. Flicking my wrist up, mildly uncomfortable at the ceiling-facing position but not enough to complain about it, the clear part of my bracelet lit up once again.

       As my schedule displayed itself with a white hue, I frowned staring at the monstrosity that was my future, having no idea where any of the classes were. I didn't even know what half of them meant let alone where they were and it was hurting my head already. School hasn't even started!

        Do they seriously expect me to survive this? Oh, stars... Kill me now, no reason for me to suffer.

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