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I knocked from the hardwood of the door, three knocks and the door opened.

"Jennie!" my dad exclaimed, spreading his arms to hug me.

"Hi dad, where's mom?" I smiled.

He pulled my hand inside the house, "Guess who's here!" my dad shouted, letting his voice be heard by mom across the kitchen.

"I know that Jennie will be here darling!" mom shouted back that made my dad's head tilted to my side.

"Why you didn't tell me that you were coming Jennie?" he raised his left brow. Suddenly, a barking sound going towards my direction was all i heard.

"Kai! Kuma!" I kneeled down reaching for my two beautiful dogs, caressing both of their temple using both of my hands.

"Well, Jennie just want to surprise you darling." Mom went to the dining table, placing a set of plates within the table. "Sit down, I've already prepared the food." Mom instructed which I gladly obeyed and sat on the chair.

"So, how's the new house Jennie?" Dad asked, holding his spoon and fork waiting for the food to be served.

"It's fine. Cozy, peaceful and quiet." I barely had words to describe my new house to begin with.

Mom began putting food on our plate, I smiled as a sign of gratefulness to my loving mother, which she gladly accepted and smiled back to me.

"Any plans on getting married?" a sudden question from my dad made me choke on my food. Coughing as I gently caress my palm to my chest.

"What is wrong with you darling? Don't ask our daughter with out of the blue questions." My mom intervened. "Are you alright Jennie?" she handed me a glass of water.

"Thanks mom, and for you dad, I still don't have any plans about that. It wasn't even on my mind."

What's wrong with dating? I still don't feel like dating someone. Marriage? I don't know.

All of a sudden, an image of Lisa came to my mind.

Forget it. She's a stranger. A soldier.

Someone who's not even related to me. we're not even friends. And she's married Jennie for fuck sake!


3 months have passed and receiving letters from Lisa never stopped. A constant reminder how much she loved her wife, how she missed her, and how eager she is to be with her again.

It was already 9 in the evening. As expected, another brown envelope from Lisa. it feels wrong every time I would open and read her letters, I can't help but feel giddy just by reading her handwritten words. Like everything written on that piece of paper was meant for me. how could you possibly do this to me Lisa?

Just by pure words, you pulled me under your spell.

To my amazing wife,

Chaeyoungieee, you don't know how much I miss you. Your soothing voice, a lullaby to my ears that would eventually send me to sleep right away. Your kisses, hugs, and caresses that I longed the most. I missed hearing you singing, 'Can't help falling in love with you.' One of my favorite song, sung by you of course. How it would bring me to tears just by hearing it from your own lips. You don't know how much I love it every time you would sleep on our couch waiting for me to come home late night? But at the same time, I feel so sad seeing you on that state, that I would carry you like a bride back to our bedroom. Oh how I miss everything about you. Your smooth hair, your eyes, nose, lips, caressing your fluffy cheeks are one of my favorite things to do, staring at your smiles are the death of me to be honest. I know I still have to suffer here for I don't know how long, but mark my words. I'll come back for you. I'll be waiting for your warm pair of arms welcoming me at the doorstep. And I know you do too. I love you Rosé. Forever and Always.



I tried preventing my tears to fall but along the lines, I was already crying. Lisa's genuine love for her wife was too much to handle, how every feelings and affection she had for that woman was poured within these letters. Yet the woman of her life wasn't able to read all of this.     

A LETTER FROM ME TO YOU (JENLISA)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora