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Three days.

It's been three days since Lisa left the house. Back then, I've grown accustomed of silence when I'm still living alone, but eversince the soldier came and invaded the place, like a ball of sunshine; she filled every spaces, every void, and every corner with her sarcatic traits, her annoying laughter, and her smile that I would no longer witness inside the house. Sometimes I would hear her playing songs of Cigarettes after sex on the turntable, I would hear the sound of her footsteps on the floor, or hear her screams whenever Kuma would bite her legs. Now it became empty, every single bit was devoided by her absence.

Everything fell into tragedy, I was too harsh on her, for me it was the only way to distance myself to the soldier. But her confession completely caught me off guard. Hearing those words coming from her mouth, I felt solaced with it, I felt how my heart spilled with happiness that time. Within seconds, it had sinked in that I'm already in a relationship, it was as if being poured by a bucket filled of ice, and her having feelings for me didn't change the fact that she is binded by the law with someone in front of god and in front of many people. I made the right choice.
We are bounded to be torn by each other's feelings, and that what hurts the most.

I sat on the couch, contemplating the notifications received by my phone. Mino left a message, saying that he's inviting me over somewhere in Sinchong-dong, a busy area of the seoul. I love his company, comfortable enough to be myself and to do whatever I want, he's sweet and gentleman, on top of all, his attention and feelings were solely focused for me. scrolling down for more unread messages, my cousin, Jisoo also sent me a long one;

Jennie, my flight's arrival will be for today around 4 in the afternoon, if you have time to meet me in the airport I'd definitely be glad to know that you'll be there waiting for me! I actually planned to surprise you about this, but then again Korea became so foreign to me now that I could barely recognize my way home. Send me a message right away after you read this. I miss you!

I immediately replied to Jisoo's message, informing her that I'm on my way to fetch her in the airport. On the other hand, I told Mino that I wouldn't be able to be with him for today due to my cousin's arrival. In an instant he answered that it's alright and we could go out some other time.

At the airport, Nayeon called me through my phone.

"Hey girl, Jisoo managed to contact me saying she's already here in Korea. Well I'm sure she already told you."

"Yeah she does, actually I'm already here at the airport, waiting for her arrival." I answered.

"By the way, Lisa's not living with you anymore? I called her to inform about my beach wedding that'll be held in Jeju, she told me she's still not sure about going. What happened between you two?" Nayeon asked.

Lisa doesn't have any reasons to go to the wedding since she's not my partner anymore, it was instantly replaced by Mino. Still, Nayeon and that soldier can be considered as friends already, did I hurted her that much to the point she don't want to see me?

"Nothing, she decided to live somewhere I don't know."

"After what happened between the two of you, I'm pretty much sure she grew fond of you and ended up having feelings with you. But after knowing you had a boyfriend, maybe she's struggling about it."

I'm impressed how Nayeon can clearly read everything by just observing to what's happening. Even though my best friend knew I once had a feelings with that soldier, we both know it's impossible. The Cupid's bow and arrow is cruel as Robin's.
Sighing, I bid my goodbye to Nayeon.

A LETTER FROM ME TO YOU (JENLISA)Where stories live. Discover now