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Involving myself to this insane game is maddening, but the worst part is licking someone's skin. This was the first time I've experience something weird in a bridal shower. The effect of alcohol made me have the guts to do such thing to a woman. My eyes was covered by a fabric, leaving my vision to be pitch black. Good thing, my eyes don't have to witness myself licking some woman while she sits in my lap, but the least thing I expected; the girl sitting on me; fainted. Her head stumbled on my shoulder and was unresponsive. That's when the crowd became aware, loud cheers became voices in panic. I hastily pulled off the fabric on my head that covers my sight.

I blinked for a few times.

Still fuzzy.

I blinked again.

I heard Nayeon approached the woman sitting in front of me.

"Jennie! Jennie!" Nayeon's tone of voice was filled by worry.

Did she just said Jennie?

My gaze shifted to the woman who's body was clinging on me.
And there, the feline eyed woman--

"Lisa! Carry Jennie inside the house, hurry!" Nayeon interjected my flying thoughts. abruptly, my arms gathered enough strength to carry the woman towards the bedroom.

Inside the room, I lay Jennie's small frame on the soft mattress of the bed. Muffled voice of Nayeon was heard outside the room, she was calling a doctor to check Jennie's state.

Glancing back to the bed, Jennie looked tired and stressed. Her face was pale, and her body seemed.. fragile. The door creaked open, showing a worried Nayeon.

"I already called a doctor for Jennie, god. I should'vent forced her to play." She went towards the bed and sat beside the sleeping woman.


On a span of minutes, the doctor came and checked her patient's condition. She informed us that due to over fatigue it made Jennie faint.

"She needs a lot of rest and sleep, she's low blood that's also the reason why she looked much paler than her normal skin color. It is advisable to make her take some medicine that could help her blood pressure back to normal, it's already written on the prescription that I've given."

The doctor bid her goodbye. On the other hand, the doctor's statement made Nayeon and me to feel at ease somehow.
Nayeon decided to end the bridal shower, some guest made their way home back at Seoul while Seulgi and Irene stayed a bit longer.

"How's Jennie?" Seulgi asked, we were both walking along the seashore, Nayeon and Irene sticked together to look out for Jennie.

The cold sea breeze made my skin shiver. Mist began to form on the atmosphere, layer by layer, everything fell into a bone shivering feeling and night grew darker and deeper.

"The doctor said it was because of stress and lack of sleep. She needed a rest. But now she's fine."

"Thank god it wasn't anything serious." Seulgi uttered.

Picking up a seashell on the sand, Seulgi added;

"How about you Lisa? How are things going on with you? And your wife, I noticed you haven't brought Chaeyoung."

Skipping the shell with my long arm across the ocean, I heavily exhaled my breath.
Why am I feeling so hopeless?

"She's-- I don't know Seulgi.."

Where is she?

That question's been etched to my mind. Repeating the same answer to people and to myself is just too tiring.

I don't know.

And it infuriates me, that I can't even find her no matter how eager I am and how much effort I exert, it's still not enough.

the cold touch of water to my fingertoes made me gasp softly, preventing the stinging pain within my eyes.

That night, I pour everything out to Seulgi.



When I woke up, soundless and tranquil ambience surrounds the place. swinging my legs off the bed, I proceeded myself towards the bathroom. An enormous mirror wall awaits me, staring back at my own reflection, noticing the same dress that I wore on the bridal shower. My hair's a mess, NO. everything's a mess. I drag my fingers on my chest, to my collarbone and on my neck, catching a glimpse of red marks on those parts, my mind began recalling the scene where Lisa aggressively sucked my skin. All of a sudden, I felt the rising heat on my face.

"Damn, it was so embarassing. how the hell did I let it happen? I swear I'm gonna kill Nayeon." I muttered under my breath.

On a matter of seconds, I reached the livingroom. Suprisingly, the house was clean. No red cups or whatever trash was scattered, the banner and balloons are neatly placed on a basket. Even a slightest bit of stinking scent is absent. Without my notice, my phone rang.

"I'm glad that you're awake."

"Where are you Nayeon?"

"Actually, I'm already back here at Seoul, I had to talk to the organizer personally together with my fiance. But anyway, how are you? is there something in your body that hurts?"

"I-- I'm fine. Nothing hurts." I replied through the line.

"Hell, I panicked when you passed out during the game."

I almost forgot about the moment I fainted.

"Lisa even carried you to the bedroom, people was in chaos that time." Nayeon added.

Oh my god. so she knew I was her partner that time?

"Also, I had to leave the rest house really early that I forgot to clean the place. I'm sorry Jennie the place was a mess."

"What do you mean? the place was completely clea--"

Talking with Nayeon, I was unaware that there was someone lying on the couch. Long legs popping out on the couch's arm and small snores was all I heard.

"I-- I'll talk to you later Nayeon, bye." I ended the phone call, stretching my neck to look at the figure of a person sleeping on the couch.

It was Lisa.

the look on her face shows restlessness, yet still alluring to stare at. Her side profile highlights her natural beauty starting from her bangs, her long eyelashes, her well structured nose, and her rosy plump lips, the same lips that sucked my skin, the lips that tasted my mouth and the lips that tasted my whole being.

The culprit of making the place clean.

The culprit of making my thoughts into a mess.

The culprit of making my heart ache. So lovely, yet tragic.

My burning gaze towards the soldier made her shift and groaned on her sleeping position. Lisa's long legs unconsciously stretched out, her fingertoes flexing, and her arms raising in the air. She then softly yawned but suddenly stopped when her attention fell on me.

"Hey.. how are you?" her husky voice was so calming.

"Better than last night." reassuring smile was all I can make on my face.

"You looked really tired. I can even hear you snoring while you sleep." I teased.

"Really?" she astoundingly asked. bringing her hands to her hair.

"you have reasons for snoring anyway. Thanks, for cleaning the whole mess in the house."

I hope you also clean the mess you made inside me. 

A LETTER FROM ME TO YOU (JENLISA)Where stories live. Discover now