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Eat, sleep, drink, break, medicine... take care of yourselves (:

Discord server, if you're ready to go feral:


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Tamashii re-entered his bedroom after having breakfast. Despite the window being wide open and letting in icy air, Rasu was still settled comfortably in her nest. They stared at each other for a few moments before he shivered, chilled by his wet hair.

"You're free to leave, you know," he told her, padding across his room to grab the hairdryer. "I'd like to close the window before I leave for school."

Rasu merely blinked at him and snuggled deeper into the Anima scarf. Tamashii sighed, focusing on drying his long hair. He'd just take her outside and leave her on a wall somewhere.


Tamashii tried not to let his embarrassment show as he walked through the school gates. Students stared at him and whispered to one another, pointing. The crowds parted to let him pass.

Three sets of claws lightly dug into his shoulder through his uniform. Rasu gently nibbled at his ear, letting out a painfully loud caw whenever anyone tried to get close. He didn't understand why she was so determined to make him the talk of the school by sticking around for so long. Was it normal for large-billed crows to get so attached to someone who just gave them warmth?

Datto was leaning against the outer wall of the school building, scrolling through his phone with blank eyes. He raised his head at the sound of approaching footsteps, automatically smiling at the sight of his friend, but it abruptly faded when he noticed the bird protectively hunched on Tamashii's shoulder.

"She won't leave," he said helplessly, poking his finger into the soft plumage on her chest and getting a warning nip as she puffed up. "I tried to leave her behind but she just kept following me, and any time I try to get her off my shoulder she just digs her claws in deeper."

"Dude-" Datto's voice shook with barely-suppressed laughter- "sucks to be you."

He gave a pitiful grin. "Yeah, it really does."

"Oh," Aya said quietly from behind him. "I wondered what all the fuss was about."

"Hey, Aya-chan," Tamashii greeted, getting a face-full of bird-neck as Rasu decided to lean across him to peer at his friend.

He scrunched up his face in disgust and squinted through the downy feathers, unsuccessfully attempting to shove her away. Aya slowly reached out, expression extremely timid but determined, and extended her fingers towards the crow. She cringed away apprehensively, whole body coiled and ready to run at the fist sign of trouble. Rasu let out a raspy caw, nudging the side of her large beak against the girl's finger.

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