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Eat, sleep, drink, break, medicine... take care of yourselves (:

Discord server, if you wanna eat some tasty autumn leaves:


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"Does anyone else find it weird that we've made Deku's murder site our base?" Datto asked hesitantly, splaying his fingers towards the bloodstain with the elegant green summoning circle around it. "No? Just me?"

"I think it's a good reminder of what's at stake here," Tsukina commented, draping a plastic sheet over the fabric sheet that covered the sofa none of them had dared to peek at. Her yellow gaze squinted as she swept down in a bow, smirking at her girlfriend. "Your throne, my queen."

"Thanks," Tamashii said as he settled down, grinning smugly whilst Aya tried to muffle her giggles.

"I gave you that hat, and I can take it away," Tsukina threatened with slitted eyes, one clawed finger pointed towards his head, causing him to protectively tug the Red Riot hat lower over his cold ears. "Yeah, that's what I thought."

Aya sat down next to him, making the cushions dip slightly. She put her backpack on her lap and unzipped it, taking out a sketchbook and a pencil, already starting to scribble a vague outline of her girlfriend. Datto hurried over to settle on the boy's other side, forcing them to squish tightly together on the small sofa. Tamashii didn't really mind too much, considering how chilly the room still was despite the plastic sheets over the window and door to keep out the worst of the wind. Rasu was huddled on his lap, nipping playfully at Datto's fingers to make sure he didn't try to get too comfortable.

Tsukina cleared her throat and straightened up, putting her hand on one cocked hip. "So, as I mentioned earlier, I took Aya-chan's advice to heart – a heart that she owns, by the way – and asked around for some self-defence tips-"

"How do you find out all of these things?" Datto interjected, confused. "I mean, first you just happened to hear some rumours of Deku's death site that ended up being true, and now you just ask some people for fighting tips?"

"These streets are my kingdom, dude," Tsukina responded, lips tugging back in a slightly ominous smile that displayed her sharp canines. "People know me, so they share things. You'd understand better if you ever left your house without us."

Datto inhaled through his teeth, wincing. "Damn. Harsh burn, dude. It hurts because it's true."

She snickered, then recovered herself. "Anyway, I learnt a few things. It's not much, but considering what we know now is literally nothing, we may as well use them." Tsukina crossed her arms, tilting back her head slightly to leer menacingly down at them. "I'll need some volunteers."


Tamashii shifted in the car seat, turning his head to stare out the window. If he leaned in close enough to the window, he could see Rasu flying overhead, a black blot in the dreary sky. They'd found out pretty quickly that she wasn't a fan of cars, but was also unwilling to let the boy out of her sight for too long.

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