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Jisung POV

"I'm going to ask Changbin out," Felix said with a confident look.

"HAHAHA! Stop making me laugh." 

"But I'm not." He said whining to me.  

"Wow your serious"  "Yeah, I am."

"Okay, then do it now!" "What! I have to see him first."

"It's your lucky day he's right there in the cafeteria line" "What!"

"Go he's talking to his friends go up to him."
"Heh, probably when he's alone.." "Look Lix go up to him if your that serious about him you should go and pull up  your big boy's pants and tell him."

"Okay, I'll go up now." "Okay then hurry up" "I'm going and none of you are going to stop me."
"Yeah, go dofus."

Felix stood up and march his way to Changbin fortunately his friends already left.

Felix POV

"Um Changbin" I poked him in the back

"Oh, it's you!" He pointed at me. "You're the guy that Jisung wanted to switch with? What's your name again."

"Felix. Lee Felix" I said getting nervous.

"You said you were going to tell me something?" 

"Um yes, I wanted to tell you something" "Yes..?"

"It's a big thing" He looked at me.
"I—I l-like y-you"

"HEY! Changbin" a guy with brown cyan hair came next to Changbin putting his arm around his shoulder. "Who this skinny short guy with a red face—oh don't tell me he confessed to you! oh no please don't tell me that. Let's just put him in the NO THIS IS NEVER EVER GOING TO HAPPEN LIST." He spits on my face. 

"You see Changbin over here doesn't like you and never will now get out of our face you piece of shit before I punch that hell of you." he pushed me onto the ground I see Changbin's face in shock doing nothing just letting his friend laugh at me. "Let's go Changbin you shouldn't date pathetic losers like him."

I started to cry and rush out of the cafeteria

Jisung POV
"Who the hell is that guy!" "His name is  Minho." "Is he like new or something?" "Nope, he's been here he barely goes to class." "He's a piece of shit I have to go find Felix bye Seungmin, Jeongin."

I tried calling Felix but there was no answer or signal in this shitty school. Locals that don't even go here say this school is wonderful and wish to come here but this school is more hell than heaven.

I went to the boys' washroom and peed in the urinal stall I washed my hands before I could walk out I heard some muffling noises. I knocked in all the stalls until the muffling stopped. "Lix is that you.?"

"Y-yeah" He sniffed.  "Can you come out please?"  "Okay, but I'm warning you my face is puffy and ugly right now." "I've seen the face in its worse just come out please."

Felix came out with a frown on their face.

"Are you okay?" "Nope, I thought I was dreaming for a sec then reality hit me when I was crying in the bathroom. Do you think everyone saw it? They probably made fun of me and who the hell was that guy that have the nerve to yell at me I didn't do anything to him."

"Doesn't matter who the guy was he's a total jerk."
"I can't believe Changbin has those kinda friends.."

"Listen Lix you might not like what I'm going to say to you but I'm going to say it. If he has those friends he's probably a jerk too he didn't even step up and help you or stop his "friend". Please I can't bear seeing you sad for a stupid guy who doesn't know you please promise me you won't fall in love with him EVER."

"I promise pinky swear." "Come let's get to class before we get detention hopefully when we get out there theirs no fight happening." We hurried along to our next class.

"FIGHT!" A boy yelled pointing where it was everyone rushed over there. "Let's go before we get trampled."

But it was too late a herd of students came running and we couldn't go through. I even lost hold of Felix. I made it to the front for some reason. I then saw two people fighting it was the same guy who push Felix I got so angry just looking at him. The student who was on the floor looked like a foreigner. "What happened?" I asked a student who was recording.

"This foreigner student dared to talk smack behind Minho's back and when Minho found out well this foreigner student is getting what he deserves." "Nobody should get punched or anything." He shrugged. I looked back at the fight seeing this so call Minho on top of this foreign student punching him over and over again.

The student was bleeding badly he's face wasn't pretty anymore.
"TALK ABOUT ME AGAIN BEHIND MY BACK AND I'LL KILL YOU WITH MY BARE HANDS THIS ISN'T THE WORSE HIT YOU'LL EVER GET FROM ME GOT THAT!" Minho said kicking him right on his stomach some of the teachers arrived and hurried to help the other student on the floor they didn't have the nerves to touch Minho like they all knew not to mess with him when he was angry.

He fixed his clothes before walking forward to my side he looked at me glaring at everyone but didn't when I was there I looked back at the student.

"EVERYONE BACK TO CLASS!" The principal yelled.

Everyone scattered away I saw Felix who ran towards me. "Hey you okay"  "Yeah, I am."

"Saw that jerk face-punching the hell out of that student." "Yeah everyone saw I also saw him staring at you but gave everyone a glare I wonder what was that about."  "I don't care about him Did you see the fight? "Not really but I saw a lot of blood in my shoes."

"Let's go before we do get in trouble this time."


"Han Jisung Lee Felix late."

"Theirs was a fight and you know how it goes we just we couldn't get through." "Well, we can settle it like this, clean my class it has to be spotless" "Even your papers that are scattered around the floor."  "Yes, or get detention your choice."

"Yeah, we'll do detention." "We will?" I raised my eyebrows at Felix "Do you want to spend an eternity cleaning his class their probably a couple of dead mice around here." "Your right."

"Detention it is Mr. Lee and Mr. Han. Alright, go to your seats."

Hello, my people welcome back so do you like the story Who isn't your cup of tea Spill sis, for now, farewell I have SAT tomorrow wish a girl luck and I have a lot of homework I didn't do and I had a four day weekend, yeah ima be dead byeeee✌😘


(Edit again) 👌🏼

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