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No one POV

It was a Saturday, morning both boys were sound asleep in eachother arms. Today was a special day, it was Jisung birthday and he was going to celebrate it with someone he loves.

The bed stirred a brown hair popped out the covers Minho opened his eyes he yawned and looked at his side and saw the cutest thing in the world beside him Jisung sucking on his thumb and tugging on Minho shirt.

Minho didn't waste time he grabbed his phone
and took a picture of Jisung with a funny filter he knew if he showed it too Jisung he'll get all upset and tell him to delete it because it was ugly but for Minho it was something he wanted to keep forever.

Jisung stirred around letting go from Minho shirt. Minho put the phone away before Jisung would opened his eyes. Just when the moving stopped Jisung stomach growl that made him opened his eyes. He yawned like a baby when it wakes up from a nap. He turned his head to look at Minho who was already staring at him lovingly. He had his palms on his chin.

He put his hand out and caressed Jisung cheek. "You're so cute." Minho told Jisung with a soft voice. "I know I am you don't have to say it when I already know it." Jisung said giggling.

Minho shook his head and smiled at Jisung stupid self. Minho got near Jisung face. Every morning when they both wake up Jisung would wait for that morning kiss from Minho and since it was birthday it should be even special and longer. Minho looked at him right in the eyes the love he saw on Jisung boba eyes felt like he had butterflies in his stomach again.

Jisung stared at Minho lips thinking what he dreamed about was coming true. Minho then went by Jisung ear and blew it giving Jisung chills on his back. "Baby..." Minho said breathing in his ear this made Jisung eager.

" I need to..." Jisung smiled. "I need to take a....sHit!!" Jisung frowned and got up from the bed. "Fuck you I thought you were gonna say 'I need you now' and we could've have morning sex because it's my birthday but nooo you had the audacity in saying I need to take a shit." Jisung said mocking at Minho response but Minho found it funny.

"I hate you!" Jisung said he walked to the bathroom locking the door. Maybe Minho shouldn't have teased Jisung since it was his birthday and he gets easily upset but it was funny. Minho got up from the floor and walked to the bathroom door. He knocked on the door.

"Baby I'm sorry I couldn't help myself from teasing you when I saw the look in your face I just had too." He again started to laugh.

"Your gonna be laughing alright when I do something to your face products I am in the bathroom Minho!" In the inside and outside Jisung was grinning with the idea he had in mind.

"Baby please don't touch them I'll do anything but don't touch my babies they were expensive." Minho begged shaking the door knob.

"Seems like my voice didn't make it clear for you I don't care have fun cleaning the sink hehe!" Inside the bathroom Jisung wasn't planning on ruining Minho products even if he wanted to punch him he knows how much those cost why waste the money for that.

Minho heard squirts of what his products sounded like. "Don't touch my cream." He pleaded out the door.
"Too late there all mixed together." Jisung shouted out the other door laughing hysterically.

"Jisung stop I swear I will-" Minho got tired of Jisung pettiness. "Do what finish that sentence baby." Jisung started to dance evily. Minho couldn't hold it no more he took a step back from the door.

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