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Jisung POV
I put my keys down the table I walked slowly going upstairs I didn't want Jeno to worry about where I was. The noise of the floorboard squeaked and Jeno's door opened.

"Jisung where were you? Why are you crying?" 

"No, I don't want to talk about it."  "What do you have there." he grabbed the bag from my hand.

"Why do you have vapes."  "Please give it back,"  I said. "You can't vape is not good for you you'll get easily addicted."

"I don't care so give it to me."  "Stop go to bed you'll feel better when you wake up."  He grabbed the vapes and close his door. I went to my room and locked the door I went up to the little step I have in my room I lay on my bed and look out the window to see the moonshine in my room I got comfortable and hugged myself to sleep.

The Next Day
I woke up still wearing my pajamas I left going downstairs. "Hey!" Jeno said pouring oatmeal and giving it to me.
"Eat Jisung."  "Okay."  "After school, you, my boyfriends, and I are going to the carnival."  "Wouldn't that make me a fourth wheel" 

"Nah I won't let you be alone even if I'm with my boyfriends."  "Yeah okay I'll think about it."

He nodded he got his backpack and left out the door. I looked at the window to see him leave. I put on my sneakers.

I grabbed my keys. I feel fine I'm not light head as before I can drive. I drove off to the highway I was looking at the speed limit. I was going in the average speed limit.

I was about to turn right as the light was still green and before I knew it someone crash into me.

My eyes flicker.
"Son please stay with me listen to my voice." I see a firefighter pulling the car door open. "Finally." He yelled he open the door and carried me to the stroller. They put me inside the ambulance.

I see that my car was upside down I see the person who hit me with the police as they handcuffed her.

I fell my eyes closed.

Jeno POV
"Is he gonna wake up?" "Yes he's breathing okay he'll be awake at any time."  "You can stay if you want."  "When can he go home."  "He only broke his arm and had some bruises in his body so tomorrow if you want you can take him home." 

"Also the police left this afternoon they told me they'll visit your house tomorrow." 

"Why?"  "I think they want to ask Mr. Han if he wants to press charges to the girl who hit him hard."  "What would've happened if Jisung didn't break his arm and only his head."

"If the hit was bad and it only went to his head he wouldn't remember anything or worse he could've died." I understood now. "Okay, I'll be leaving now."
"Thank you, Mr. Park-"  "You can call me Park Jinyoung." The door closed.

Jisung POV
My eyes open a little. "Jisung your awake!" 
"Why does everything hurt," I asked him. 

"Well you had a car accident but you're fine you just broke your arm and have bruises around your body but you'll be fine I can take you home tomorrow."

"Can I go to school then?"  "No, not yet."  "I can't stay home forever Jeno I've seen my grades their horrible."

He ignored my answer. "Why did you leave the house I specifically said not to."  "I wanted to work out I didn't want to leave my body in this kinda shape." "You could've said that after school we could've gone to the gym instead of the Carnival. We're friends now Jisung let's tell each other everything."  I nodded

"I'm going to let you sleep now."   "Wait-"

"Yeah?"   "What happened when you went to school."   "Um, the usual I saw more fights. I think you'll know who started them."

"It was Minho wasn't it."

"For some reason, he's getting more physical giving them head injuries because they looked at him. He only got detention." 

"Why not expel him from school." 

"That's cute you think the staff or the dumb principal would do anything! I once heard that Minho was punching this kid then one teacher. "came to the rescue" and was splitting them up next you know Minho hit her in the elbow she sixty by the way it was right on the mouth she kept bleeding and she never came back since then. But let's stop talking about that you should rest well talk about you going to school maybe." I nodded.

Next morning
I was in a wheelchair. The nurses help me get in Jeno's car. "Jeno?"

"Yes?"  "What am I'm going to do with my car." 

"Do you have insurance?" I nodded.  "Then we can go to the mechanic or buy a new car this week. Also, are you going to press charges to the girl?"  

"I don't know."  "You should that girl almost killed you."  "I mean-"

"Don't say what your gonna say."

I stayed silent through the whole car ride. Jeno parked his car on the side of the sidewalk.

"Are you sure you want to come to school?"  "Yeah, positive."   "You won't do anything stupid right."   "No, I won't."  "Okay go get ready then we're going today."

I put on some blue jeans and a gray hoodie and sneakers. I put my backpack over my shoulder.

"I'm ready also who's car is this?"  "One of my boyfriend's cars."  "Ah okay."

Jeno parked the car in the student parking lot. I rushed to school doors. "Jisung waits up." he breathes out. "Come on let's go in." He opened the door.
"Why is no nobody in the halls"   "There all in class."  "Oh right."

"Go to your class and don't do anything that's not safe." 

"Uhuh." I walked to my class to see a bunch of guys walking in my direction I put my head down I shouldn't have done that.

"Oh look over here guys is faggot Jisung."

"Aww dude we miss you where were you?" he ruffled my hair that I brush this morning.


"Are you that depressed that your cutting yourself and have to put on a fake arm injury so people won't see your disgusting cuts." he spit in my face.

"I-I broke my arm I was in the hospital yesterday."
I said.

"Yeah okay." he grabbed my arm and tightened his grip onto my cast it about to break.

"p-please stop."  "Can you stop being gay you people don't belong here!" he said I stayed there quiet.

25 minutes later
I was on the ground my lip was bleeding I had bruises that I can feel in my whole body. I went to the bathroom I looked at myself in the mirror
"I HATE MYSELF!" I punched the mirror breaking it into tiny pieces that were on the floor.

My fist was dripping blood on the floor.
I look so ugly I let my tears drop on the sink.

The door opened I could care less who it was.
"Jisung"  "WHAT!"   "Hey, it's okay." I turn to see who was the voice was speaking. I looked up my tears were starting to form. "Come here." I hugged him so tight not letting him go. "Shhh, it's gonna be okay."  "I missed you so much. Woojin hyung."

The ending huh? I am sorry for my minsung shipper's craving for this chapter to come out I hope this was worth waiting or not I'll make them better next time. See you reallyyyyy soon.

(Edit again)👌🏼

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