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Jisung POV
I was in my room closet. I sat there for about three hours with some tissue. I haven't been in school for a whole three weeks or even gone out and I don't care if I was failing.

It's was safer here than going to school and being called names. My eyes were burning with not enough sleep but when I close my eyes I just see myself in the school basement tied up.

My lips are still bruised from it. I barely feel them. These past three weeks I've called Jeongin no answer Seugnmin no answer I feel like everyone is ignoring me. I just seem to have a feeling Felix told everyone in the school what he did to me.

But wouldn't that make him seem the bad guy but then again he'll make it seem like he isn't the bad guy he'll try to loop it towards me making me the bad guy.

I teared up again. Why is everyone ignoring me? Why do people believe a rumor from someone else mouth than the person who knows everything?
Why are people so mean in the world? Am I a button to be pressed on so people can pick on me.?! I looked at my feet.

I stood up getting a bit light-headed.

I went downstairs. I should go to the mall and buy new clothes if I can even turn the doorknob and step outside.

Bangchan House

Minho POV

I was laying down on the couch like any other day. I've been staying in Bangchan's house lately I practically live here.

"Minho get up let's go out!"  Woojin hyung said worriedly of me. "Yeah come on!" Bangchan said hitting my leg. "Let's go party pooper!" Hyunjin said staring at me. "I don't want to." I huffed.

They all looked at each other. "If we call Changbin would you come?"  "I don't want him to come,"  I said turning so I can lay on my stomach.

"What! has Lee Minho rejected to not go if Changbin comes? What's wrong you've been like this for the past three weeks." Hyunjin asked as I just looked at him.

"I thought you'll be happy."

"Why would I be happy?"  I questioned him.

"I mean Jisung hasn't been in school for the past three weeks as well. You always ask if he's at school because you hate seeing his face and you want to talk shit about him so I know something is wrong with you. Anyways I thought you'll be more excited he isn't in your way is surprising." Hyunjin said to me.

"I'm worried he hasn't called me or Bangchan." Bangchan nodded. "Well, I bet he's fine," Woojin said rolling his eyes.

"I don't want to fucking go even if Changbin comes he's a bitch and doesn't realize my true feelings for him. I haven't told you guys this but one day before everything happen Felix went up to him and told him his feelings. Changbin was going to answer because I knew he was going to say he liked him too but I couldn't bear with that so I jumped in calling Felix names and pushing him on the floor. I knew that Changbin wouldn't say anything. I'm that desperate for him to look at me and confess to only me!

I don't know how Changbin still likes him? I made sure Felix to stay out of my way."

"Wow!" They all said at the same time. "Y'all knew this day was going to come sooner or later."

"So Felix being a jerk to Jisung was because of you," Woojin asked me. "Hell no, that was Felix being him he was at fault saying those things to Jisung I didn't do anything," I said lying to him.

"I just hate the fact that Changbin still likes him what does he see that I don't." 

"I mean he's Australian you can not resist us," Bangchan said holding Woojin hands. "He's right," Woojin said back.

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