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So I am going to make a POV for the characters like Felix & Changbin Jeongin Seungmin& Hyunjin, I have big things for those characters for Bang Chan he's gonna be a part of it with woojin he's there as well. I hope you will like this.

Let's begin, shall we?

Minho POV
I was on the chair shaking looking around the doctors and nurses that came out or go into my mom's room haven't said shit. My father left a while ago taking a "smoke" In reality he just left he didn't care about his wife.

My phone rang as I was shaking my thoughts away.

"H-hello" I grunted "Hey, how are you doing?"
"Bad real bad-not one stupid doctor has come by to tell me about my mother you know how stressed I am I'm going insane," I said softly

"She is the only parent I can rely on or doesn't take my sexuality as a joke."

"What if she dies Changbin?" "I'm gonna be with my father who knows what he's capable to do to me. I was safe when my mom was around but who's going to save me this time would there be a this time? People think I look tough on the outside but on the inside, I feel like I'm weak."

"Hey, you're not weak. You stood up to your father so he won't hurt your mother that isn't weak. You know what how about crashing with me is what best buds do." "T-thanks-oh I have to go a nurse is coming the way I hope that is good news."

I hung up the call putting my phone in my pocket I wiped my tears away. "Mr. Lee" "Yes!"

"Are you family?" "Yes, I'm her son."

"Well, the good news is she doesn't have any broken bones." "OH MY GOD thank you can I see her now."
"I wasn't finished," the doctor said. "Please sit down" I sat down on the chair waiting for her to speak she kneeled gripping my hands.

"I'm sorry to inform you this but your mother died at 9:27 pm her surgery was a success until we got to the room we knew we couldn't save her it was too late I'm sorry. We tried everything we could-"

What did she say my m-mother is dead? "Mr. Lee," she said quietly I pulled my hands away "Mr. Lee do you want us to call somebody you know to pick you up to do you want to see her." I nodded.

She lead the way opening the second door on the left she was in a sack I went closer to the table the surgeon zipped open the sack and I see her lying dead. I couldn't hold my tears.

"MOMMM why now!!! Please wake up don't leave me why! why!" I kept repeating "I can't be alone with Dad please let me come with you." I choked on my words "I l-love y-you" I crouched down I couldn't hold it anymore I just broke down on the floor.

"Mommy you won't leave me right"

"Not even a heartbeat god brought you here for a reason. You are my only son and I want to keep it that way I love you so much. I'm the pirate you are my treasure and a treasure is hard to find I thank god that he lead me away to be with you forever. I fell in love with you when you came out there is nothing a mom could wish for a baby. I love you pumpkin" She gave me sweet kisses on my cheeks making me giggle. I put my tiny hands on her face kissing her nose I snuggled onto her neck "I uwu mommy..."

End of flashback

I got up giving her a last kiss on her forehead. "You said you'll never leave me but why did you lie."

"Mr. Lee would you want a funeral." "Yeah is the least I can do for her."   "Is your dad around?" 
"He's not he never is." "Alright, sir well call you to let you know when you have time to sign." I nodded leaving the hospital.

I need to find a bitch. I said

I walked into a stripper club {boy stripper club yk} I entered and walked to the VIP room.

"Minho!" a person yelled my name I looked around to see a short man wearing a black suit bit chubby in his late fifties. "Hello Mr. Park"

"Welcome back!" he said. "So what do you need today."

"Give me one of your top professional strippers I had a bad day I need someone to put me at ease.." "Alright, I have the perfect one I'll go get him."

I sat there and waited. "Hello" a cute boy showed up with toys in his hands and a ball in his mouth "Let's play," he said.

Jisung POV
I walked down the stairs carefully. I hate this stupid cast. Felix hasn't shown up at my house since two days ago. He told me he'll just go to school and stop by he never did.

I was a bit worried but he's Felix I shouldn't be worried too much or should I?

Where was my phone I thought then I remembered it was in the bathroom. 'upstairs' I cried once more going up the stairs.

10 minutes later
I finally got my phone instead of going down I went to my room going to my new mini fridge that has food that I could eat now.

I sat on my bed eating a loaf of bread with cream on the inside. I went on my contacts list finding Felix's name the phone was ringing.

"Hello!" It was an older women's voice I recognized. "Hi Mrs. Lee" "Oh hello, Jisung"

"Um, can I ask why you have Felix's phone?"

"Oh, he left it on the table I was about to go bring it up to him."

"May I ask why he hasn't been going to my house?"
"I don't know he's been so moody since they let you out of the hospital and he won't tell me what happened."

"Um, I'll be there in twenty minutes." "Okay, I'll leave the keys on the flower pot. I'll be going grocery shopping."

I made it to Felix's house.

I entered quietly going to the hallway that lead to his room. I hear a loud glass break. "Felix!" I open his door.

"What happened?"

"I-I don't k-know I w-was holding the glass and I just let it go." I see dried teary eyes on his face.

"Why are you crying." "D-Do y-you think s-someone like me will e-ever be love!" "Of course, you're going to be love a sweet guy who will come and sweep you off your feet. You just got to be patient." "But I d-don't want anyone I only w-want Changbin!!"

"What happened to you why are you like this!!"

"I saw Changbin holding a guy's hands by the lockers and he looked at me but then he suddenly kissed the other guy's cheeks." "It made me cry on the inside and I ran off I'm sorry I couldn't go by your house."

"It's fine I was worried about you. You have to find someone better alright?!." He ignored my question. "How's your leg doing." He asked me.

"Better I still have to wear a cast a bit longer."  When do you think you'll be ready to come to school."

"Probably in three days. But Let's not talk about my leg let's do something so you could feel better." He nodded giving me a tight hug.

Thank you guys for reading I hope you enjoyed this book just like I did. See you in the next chapter!!


(Edit again) 👌🏼

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