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Minho POV
I woke up with a sore throat it felt like I had a frog down there.

I stood up and grabbed my towel from the chair and head to the bathroom. When I finished I walked to the kitchen grabbed the cereal box and poured the milk inside the box. I left my apartment and headed to school. "Hey!" I turn around to look at BangChan.

"Hey." He looked at me and faced forward.

"I'm just going to say it Minho." "Okay?"

"Why did you lie about Jisung kissing Changbin first and then giving fake rumors around the school that they were sleeping together and you know that wasn't true. I still can't believe Changbin didn't say anything or tried to stop you. You guys are a real jackass. Is this what you want. You think Changbin will like you after what happened yesterday."

"I don't care this will realize Changbin shouldn't date no one. He'll come running back to me he's gonna ask me out rainbows are going to go over me. Everything will be perfect."

He left me walking by myself. "We're you going." "I'll meet you at school." I nodded. I made it to school the bell ring to go to class I fastened my pace that I didn't realize who I ran into I got carried away I said sorry to the person.

The guy stood up and looked at me it was Jisung he looked like he was crying he's eyes were red he then cursed at me. "Fuck you!" he said walking away from me."

Hmph, no Minho you already fought with him. I'll let it pass just because I'm in a good mood.

Then someone pulled me away it was Felix he also had red eyes.

"Um, what's up?"  "I need your help!"

"For what?" "Did you not forget that Jisung kissed my Changbin hyung I'm not gonna let it pass!" "Didn't you hear what he said Changbin kissed him first?"

"He probably did it at force. " I rolled my eyes. "Then scare the hell at him." I said, "Hm your right he does get scared easily."   "Yeah. do whatever."

"Well bye," he said walking away.

I enter class to see a dude on Changbin's lap I looked at the dude and he knew the memo. "Hey." I said to Changbin "Hey!" he said back.

"So want to go to my house and you know smoke a blunt." "I don't think so."

"Then what do you want to do?" "Let's go out." "Okay!" I smiled.  "We can also invite the guys!" I frowned.  "Um, they're probably busy." "Really?"

Yeah, you know Bangchan and Woojin are going out Hyunjin is busy with what sexuality he wants. So let's just go together." hoping he'll say yes but I was wrong.

"What about we ask other people like a double date." "You know what Changbin." "Yeah"

"I remember that I'm busy as well." "What! you just said you weren't busy." "Nah I'm fucking busy you go out with your hoes," I said getting up from my seat.

"Wait where are you going?"
"I'm skipping."  "But you like this class."

"I used too now I don't." I walked away.

I went to the library I thought I was the only student there but I was not Jisung entered the door with his backpack on his shoulder that was falling off. His hair was a mess, his clothes were ripped as he got jumped, and he has a busted lip he looked terrified.

He sat on the table putting his head down. The librarian looked at him and me. She shrugged it off going back to her office.

Why do I have a feeling I have to be nice for once and it has to be Jisung the guy I hate the most.

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