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Jisung POV 😔🥺

Woojin put my drink on the table. "You okay."

"No, I'm not okay Woojin hyung." I sniffed wiping my tears on my sleeves. "You look  awful Jisung."

"Thanks but Woojin hyung I don't think my life can be the same as it used to be. I get bullied more frequently with new students coming in because they think I'm gay which I don't even know if I want to be I'm afraid that because what I want to be is causing me to get bullied."

"I've seen you kiss guys before I think it says something."

"I hate that people assume things that I'm not I don't want labels I hate these rumors it's making it worst worse for me I thought when I came back it would stop. Why am I a target for everything? While the whole damn school is half in the lgbt+q.  I'm not saying another person should get bullied for being what they are but I can't take the hold for everyone."

"I know you can't and I'm so sorry." "Also," I said quietly but he still heard. "Why did you leave me for something that isn't true." This is the only question I wanted to hear from my friends.

"Do you know how it feels to be alone nobody to say your gonna be okay I'm here for you I didn't have that I needed to do it myself? You know how that feels." I started to tear up. "I'm sorry I made you feel alone." "You hurt me I thought we were friends but you couldn't hear the other side but because is Felix you had to believe it."

"I have one recommendation," Woojin asked.

"You and Felix have to stop this feud with each other."

"I'm not going be the bigger person this time and apologies to him. Why do I have to say sorry to the petty coward? Why can't you get that? You think Felix is innocent."

"He didn't do anything to you but yelled at you but you punched him when he was apologizing to you," Woojin said back.

"I'm done I'm done believe what you believe when you find the truth go fuck yourself just so you know he's the cause of the terrible life I have now. Just because of that lie. I don't need your stupid pity I'm over that. I made a friend and he's nice and helps me a lot better than the real friends I had supposed they were my family."

"No, wait Jisung."

"Do not touch me or I will scream." I left the cafeteria to go to my last class. I haven't seen Minho just thinking of him makes me want to slap him across his face and there he was talking to BangChan and Hyunjin. I hope they don't talk to me.

I felt stares behind my back or I think I felt someone staring at me.

I changed into my gym clothes I looked at my cast it said faggot. "J-Jisung." I looked up to see Felix I rolled my eyes. "I'm glad your back." I feel the other students that were in the locker room staring at us and they were.

"Your not." I spit back. "No, I am!" "You wouldn't be glad until I die you love to see me get hurt. Do you see what's written in my cast it says faggot. I'M NOT GAY! You on the other hand are how the hell am I getting bullied who knows right.

You're the one who pulled a gun at me in the basement remember that or did you forget when you were laughing so much you just couldn't remember." I said getting more angrier.

"You know I can never trust anyone because of you or or" I started to breathe hard. "Hey calm down." "DON'T TELL ME TO CALM DOWN FELIX YOUR THE LAST PERSON TO TELL ME THAT!

You made me like this I want you to suffer for the pain I feel but at the same time, I don't because I don't want to think like that I'm not like you. What I feel every day it's the worst you do not understand my pain. So get the fuck away from me don't talk to me again you got that!"

I pushed him hard that he went down on the floor. I went and got ready we were still playing dodgeball. I was chosen to be on the other team.
I cracked my knuckles and cracked my neck.

"Ready go!!" the gym teacher blew the whistle. I rushed getting three balls. I through them all in their faces and back. I threw one at Felix so hard that he went down covering his nose I believe he was bleeding.

The teacher called a time-out.

Hyunjin and BangChan came to my side. "Um, you okay."

"No not at all but I feel so much better that he got hit." "Felix didn't deserve that Jisung," Hyunjin told me.

"Oh sure go with the sweet guy that tried to kill me but when I get bullied you stay like idiots. One day all of you will say sorry to me when I die am I right."

I left them hanging I needed fresh air. I open the gym doors but bumped into someone I looked up to see Minho in front of me he looked at me with a worried look. He was about to touch my cheek. But I slapped him across his face. He touched his cheek. But didn't do anything after.

"DO SOMETHING!" I yelled at him everyone looked our way. I started to push him "HIT ME!" I said. He just looked at me. I started to lose my vision.

Okay, I'm done with this one I hope I can finish another chapter today. Okay bye-bye.

(Edit again)👌🏼

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