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No one POV


"Mommy!" "Yes, my Jisung" "I uwu" "oh I love you too come and sit with mommy in the bed and I'll tell you a story." "Okey" Jisung struggle to go on the bed but made it. He crawled to his mother's embrace.

"So what story you gonna tell me." He asked curiously as the child he was. "Well is not like a story more like I'm going to tell you something." "Okey." "I want to tell you that daddy and I are going to be with you forever with your up and downs. Even when you don't see us will be there.

I want you to know that you are half of my heart. You a gift that God gave me and I wouldn't trade you for the world. I hope you can stay being the smiley baby squirrel you are." "Am I gonna get hurt in life". Jisung asked looking at his mother with love in his eyes.

"At a time when you get older you will but you better hang in there. You're the only person that can't stop people from treating you badly. You better stand up yourself so nobody can put you down. You're always going to be brave.

I hope the person who loves you will cherish how sweet and loving person you are because nobody can't find the sweetest person ever in this world. After all, you are a rare gift from heaven. Daddy and you are the people I love the most. Now give me some kisses." Jisung got up a bit and kissed his mother on the lip. "muahh" she hugged his small waist and attack Jisung covering him with ticklish kisses all over his face.

After that Jisung's father came. "Hello, my big man and a wonderful wife. "Daddy" Jisung tried to go down but he was too short to touch the floor. His dad grabbed him and carried him in his arms. "Daddy!" he yelled "Jisungie."  "Daddy I missed you."

"I bought you something." "What is it?" "Come let's go, go get mommy."
"Mommy hurry up!" Jisung holds his mother's hand. They went to another room.

"I bought you!!!! A little car that you can drive when you don't get tired with your little legs." "Wow thank you, daddy." He hugged his dad and started to drive his car.

"Lookie mommy!" "I see."

"Come on mister let's go to bed." "Can I sleep with mommy and daddy?" "Yes." They both said happily. The three of them changed into their pajamas.

Jisung went in the middle of the bed covering himself with the heavy blanket his mother and father when to the side of the bed. "Mommy Daddy" " yes, Jisungie."

"Would I know who I will like in the future?" "You'll know when you feel that special someone and it can be whoever it is we're fine with everything." "that's right." Jisung's dad said.

They quietly rubbed little circles on Jisung's back. He slept with tiny soft snores. After that, both parents went to sleep.

Jisung POV
"JISUNG!" I woke up having sweats on my forehead. "Jeno." "You don't how sorry I am I knew I should've walked with you to class I knew you weren't ready."

"I was ready and you saw that but everything turn in a different route."   "I'm so sorry you got hurt."

"You aren't to be blamed though I knew something would've happened to me when those boys came. I was too dumb to not realize it sooner and turn around." "Also they got you a new cast. Is written by my friends if you like and two of your other friends they're outside." "Who is it?" "You know them when you see them I'll call them in," Jeno said leaving the room.

I waited for the two people. There was a knock on the door I said come in. The doorknob twisted I see different hair colors.

"JISUNG!!" Jeongin yelled hugging me so tight. "We're so sorry we left you saying nothing that we were leaving we flew to the Bahamas and we leave you like that for days without saying anything you probably thought we left you that will never be the case we will ways be there for you."

Jeongin said crying. "We heard the news of what happened to you since we left we're so sorry we're horrible friends. I know you might hate us but you were never alone. I thank Jeno hyung for taking care of you."

"You know him?" "I mean yeah duh Chenle is friends with him and the other Jisung so yeah."

"What happened to you guys that I thought you left me for good." "We were in a boat for I don't even know how long like it felt like weeks. Then when we found our way back to the island. Our phones were burned by the heat.

So we thought an idea if we charged them they'll be alright so we left them for I don't know like two seconds it was such a dumb move because they were stolen when we turn around then Seungmin lost his passport twice.

The first one we needed to remember where was the last place he left it. When we found it we went back to the hotel. I bought our tickets on my phone thinking we're finally going home but this hoe lost it again."

"Jeongin I told you I had it in my bag then a monkey stole it."

"Okay, whatever. We have to get a new passport for him. Then after a million years, we got the passport we flew today bought new phones when we got to Korea. I put everything on my phone got a text message from Jeno and now we're here we are sorry we left you."

"It's fine just never leave me again or tell me when you're leaving you guys scared me I thought I lost you guys."  "It will never happen again we promise," Seungmin said as we all group hugged.

"I missed you guys." "Us too." Another knock came. "Oh will go now someone else is waiting to talk to you."

I nodded I was so happy it's been a long time since I smile thanks to them.

The door closed and open again. My smile turns into a frown. "Hi!" 

"What do you want!" "Well, a thanks will be nice since I saved your life as you were having a panic attack. If I didn't take you to the hospital myself you'll be dead in my arms you know I ran instead of waiting for the ambulance I was sure you were gonna die if I didn't bring you myself."

"Me being dead sounded pretty good." I looked at him.

"Yeah stop saying that." "But I want that a lot of people don't you want me dead? You have no idea how many ideas I have in my brain on how to die. I also want to die in the school so this school will shut down. Got any idea how should I die?"

"Stop it Jisung." "What do you care? Your Lee Minho." I chuckled. "I'm sorry." "That's cute I want more than pity sorry from you."

"Yeah and I'll try anything to do that." "I'll like to see that."

Okay so that was quick I hope you like these two chapters I made today. I didn't go to school today so I had more time. Love you all see you probably next week.
happy Friday ()

(Edit again)👌🏼

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